woo yay!
how large a pile of wheels and bolts does he have over there?
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Fri 23 Apr 2004, 20:00,
That's fantastic!
TJ: Did anyone happen to be unfortunate enough to listen on after b3ta radio had finished? Those little trogs were talking about crashing next weeks show! Bastards!
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Fri 23 Apr 2004, 20:01,
TJ: Did anyone happen to be unfortunate enough to listen on after b3ta radio had finished? Those little trogs were talking about crashing next weeks show! Bastards!
unfortunately i didn't listen that bit...
but why do they want to do that?
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Fri 23 Apr 2004, 20:03,
i heard about 30 seconds worth of it
and it was wank. sounded worse then my unis student radio
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Fri 23 Apr 2004, 20:04,
Yeah it was wank
Unfortunately iTunes crashed and so I could turn it off without restarting. They wanted to crash it cos they thought Rob and co stole some of their ait time... little twunts :)
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Fri 23 Apr 2004, 20:07,
But the speed of man is impossible Albert Snailstein
says so ~ the Theory of Slugativity (no mollusc can travel beyond the speed of man without travelling back in time, which is impossible)
woo yay You bring me Sunshine every day.
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Fri 23 Apr 2004, 20:03,
woo yay You bring me Sunshine every day.
You make me depressed
Why can't I make things like that? Wankhole...
Woo and yay for you, though.
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Fri 23 Apr 2004, 20:10,
Woo and yay for you, though.