b3ta.com challenges
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Apparently Gen Z are nostalgic for a time they never lived in, the 1990s. Fire up the retro-encabulator and make everything more 90s (or just Photoshop any old 90s guff). Suggested by ESC CTRL. See the entries »

art product placement

Art Product Placement

Every other medium has been ruined by intrusive advertising, so why not fine art? Add products to classic works. It's what Andy Warhol would have wanted. See the entries »

general election 2024

General Election 2024

It's election time, which means lots of crap campaign posters and awkward moments to feed into our raster graphics editors and output as POWERFUL SATIRE. See the entries »



Let's celebrate everyone's favourite fancy dress sportsmen with a one word challenge. Easy! Easy! See the entries »

wrong set

Wrong Set

What would happen if the actors from one film walked onto the set of another film by mistake? Double click that Photoshop icon and show us. See the entries »

british remakes of american tv

British Remakes of American TV

The Americans are always remaking our TV shows, but what if we were to remake theirs? Show us using the power of Photoshop. See the entries »

computer pop

Computer Pop

AI is now writing songs for us, so let's return the favour and make songs about computers. Or just mash-up any pop and computer stuff. See the entries »



Quentin Tarantino's in the news for ditching his 10th and final film. Let's take a look back and celebrate his violent, potty-mouthed movies. See the entries »

the 60s internet

The 60s Internet

If the web had existed in the 1960s, what sort of swinging sites and flower power memes would they have had? Show us the 60s internet. See the entries »

big-screen comedy cameos

Big-Screen Comedy Cameos

Brighten up films by adding classic characters from the world of sitcoms and TV comedy. Let's see Onslow comparing vests with Bruce Willis or the Fonz jump Jaws. See the entries »

literal celebs

Literal Celebs

Jonathan Gullis reportedly had a shit-fit when a child made a picture of him as a gull. Let's depict other famous people literally. Kate Bush as a bush, Michael Fish as a fish... that sort of thing. See the entries »

pink floyd

Pink Floyd

We've done challenges on The Beatles, ABBA, and Queen, so let's Photoshop the FOURTH greatest band of all time... it's your dad's favourite - Pink Floyd! See the entries »

royal photoshop disasters

Royal Photoshop Disasters

Following Kate Middleton's dicking around with her press photo, let's go back in time and ruin every other royal photograph and portrait in history using the powers of Photoshop CS3. See the entries »

star wars vs adverts

Star Wars vs Adverts

Chile has shown us the future by inserting a beer commercial into Star Wars. Show us what other product placement and adverts could be shoe-horned into the Star Wars galaxy, or what commercials the characters could make a cameo in whilst George isn't looking. See the entries »

art on a budget

Art on a budget

How is the art world coping with the cost of living crisis? Does the girl now have a plastic earring. Have the Nighthawks resorted to getting wrecked in a Wetherspoons? Show us! See the entries »

star trek sings

Star Trek sings

Everyone loves the records William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy put out, but what other music are we missing from the Star Trek universe? Design record covers for the characters, or just mash up existing albums and pop moments with everything Trek. See the entries »

augmented reality

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality headsets are here and they're bound to make life much better... somehow. Show us your ideas for how the digital and real world may combine, or just take the piss out of techno-wazzocks in their fancy new glasses. See the entries »

change-a-letter books

Change-a-letter books

It's a wordplay challenge this week. Make a single-letter typo to a famous book title and see what damage it does. See the entries »



Mash up memes with other memes (or famous viral image) and see what happens when the internet eats itself. Warning: every time you post a picture containing only one meme, God kills a kitten. See the entries »

beatles games

Beatles Games

With the exception of Flip Your Wig, most Beatles games have been pretty boring things like Rock Band or special editions of Monopoly. Let's correct this by designing Beatles-themed games that actually look fun. Show us what Maxwell's Silver Hammer on the SNES, or Hungry Hungry Ringos look like. See the entries »