Goodbye you strange old dude.
/Waits for mention of 'unelected' when we've never elected a PM
Metalfish Hasn't had a sig since,
Mon 10 May 2010, 17:19,
BBC news managed it almost immediately
Wasp Box like a nervous random stranger at a glory hole,
Mon 10 May 2010, 17:22,
Crystal Magnet Like a diamond geezer, but better,
Mon 10 May 2010, 17:26,
No, although we did have a 'Prime Ministerial Debate'.
Not sure what that means if none of them become PM...
Edit: I notice it's a typical Brown commitment to change. The first word out of his mouth is 'If...'.
joefish It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks,
Mon 10 May 2010, 17:27,