(CatfishMa, why can't I draw? "Because you have fins dear",
Mon 29 Nov 2010, 22:45,
did not know you could do that.
(mofaha┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ,
Mon 29 Nov 2010, 23:10,
aah ta :)
(prodigy69broke b3ta and made everyone leave,
Tue 30 Nov 2010, 8:31,
Second Naked Gun film:
Quentin Hapsburg: "I don't recall your name on the Guest list" Drebin: "That's ok, sometimes I go by my maiden name"
(The Great Architectis still waiting for his account to be deleted on,
Mon 29 Nov 2010, 10:59,
Ta heaps for those pics from Friday sir. They've gone down an absolute storm!
(barryheadwoundMul-ti-pass? Multipass!,
Mon 29 Nov 2010, 10:56,
no probs :D
(prodigy69broke b3ta and made everyone leave,
Mon 29 Nov 2010, 10:58,
Has anyone seen the adverts for the new Michael Jackson CD/DVD? It's bloody hilarious - done in the style of church icons - the stations of the cross and that.
(Je suis un vagabondis an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob,
Mon 29 Nov 2010, 11:00,
is this for the "Michael Experience game"?
Avoids obvious jokes about shaking Wiimote and children
Mon 29 Nov 2010, 11:05,
Oh it might be.
I didn't have enough time to see more than the fact that it's done with him with a little crown above his head, and is one step short of giving him da wings of an angle 4eva in r harts, a halo, and actualy claiming that he was the second coming (so - not unlike the "Earth Song" video in that respect).
(Je suis un vagabondis an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob,
Mon 29 Nov 2010, 11:09,