Thanks :)
The 'steers and queers' line is originally from Full Metal Jacket. Red Dwarf just referenced it.
Photoshop Bitch 2014 edition,
Sat 25 Aug 2012, 17:09,
*dons geek hat*
But the "Which are you boy?" line is RD. It's 'cowboy' in the film.
I'll geek off now.
Yo 'Ho of Charlie mass-market saucetrepreneur,
Sat 25 Aug 2012, 17:12,
Well that just shows I'm more familiar with that Red Dwarf episode than I am with FMJ :)
Photoshop Bitch 2014 edition,
Sat 25 Aug 2012, 17:32,
Steers and queers was also used in An Officer and a Gentleman (which pre-dates FMJ).
Great post btw :D
Ham o' Shatner -.-- --- ..- .-. / .- .-.. .-.. / --. .- -.--,
Sat 25 Aug 2012, 18:48,
Just looked up the full FMJ quote, for the record:
"Holy dogshit! Texas, only steers and queers come from Texas, private Cowboy! And you don't much look like a steer to me, so that kinda narrows it down!"
Photoshop Bitch 2014 edition,
Sat 25 Aug 2012, 19:10,
So the RD quote is referencing An Officer and a Gentleman rather than FMJ.
Ham o' Shatner -.-- --- ..- .-. / .- .-.. .-.. / --. .- -.--,
Sat 25 Aug 2012, 19:25,