V true
Gonna grace us with your presence, im sure the b3ta'ns will take up the nice seetage area, oh and we have a pool table for the evening...
keybo was imtypingonakeyboard, now I'm not,
Mon 16 Jun 2003, 13:25,
the mother bar is a 2 min walk from the pool. i'll be heading there after the party for sure. pretty sure the mother bar is open till 3 as well.
Mon 16 Jun 2003, 13:30,
The 333? True.
Also, Match is within 5 minutes, and GEDR's not out of reach. Hmmm. I move to have my "middle of bloody nowhere" comment stricken from the record.
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Mon 16 Jun 2003, 13:32,
yeah, 333's the club below the mother bar (owned by the same people like). free entry and reasonably priced drinks (for hoxton) to boot.
Mon 16 Jun 2003, 13:36,