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Is dave back yet?
any news on TV front?
christophaloph ,
Mon 30 Jun 2003, 10:16,
archived )
yeah, dave's back
and he was very 'happy' about the presents you left him. i think it's going to be fine to abandon the tv at dave's, and i think that's what we'll we do.
faster ,
Mon 30 Jun 2003, 10:17,
archived )
I will furnish him with alcohol for services rendered...what's happened to the signs then?
christophaloph ,
Mon 30 Jun 2003, 10:19,
archived )
dave said something about
'maybe leaving them all in ben's room to see how he reacts'. i certainly hope he goes through with it.
faster ,
Mon 30 Jun 2003, 10:21,
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sounds like a plan
nice to see that three of my four frontpages have been about squirrels now.
christophaloph ,
Mon 30 Jun 2003, 10:23,
archived )
gotta have consistency
so, how's ipswich this time of year?
faster ,
Mon 30 Jun 2003, 10:24,
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have to go and find myself a job today. That will be fun...we're off to the wonderful Liquid tonight for some heavy drinking though, which will make it all better
christophaloph ,
Mon 30 Jun 2003, 10:28,
archived )
raining here too
best of luck with the job thing. i'm off now to get boxes with joce. mighty boxes. for stuff. 'bye!
faster ,
Mon 30 Jun 2003, 10:31,
archived )
have fun
I don't think my boxes will hold out for another year, but we can see...
christophaloph ,
Mon 30 Jun 2003, 10:33,
archived )
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