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# Ta
I knew he planned one ages ago, but din't know he'd set it up yet.
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 8:26, archived)
# yeah
I remember he mentioned it months ago and I had a quick look then. he managed to make it available pretty quickly after flibz closed. No idea if m3ss3nger will ever return. If not, it looks like it's about to be time for a new appeal!
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 8:28, archived)
# Closing m3ssenger
seems a bit extreme,but judging from what he says I don't think it'll come back anytime soon.

But what do we call munkt0n's site..?
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 8:31, archived)
# mu55enger?
mUnkt0ns m3ss?
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 8:35, archived)
# bollox that's me stuffed.
It's difficult enough justifying flibz usage without now having full on b3ta. FUCKSOCKS
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 8:46, archived)
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 9:18, archived)
# Arthur

(for no reason I can think of)

Right - off to work for me!
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 8:37, archived)
# it's not a bad
suggestion though
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 8:48, archived)
# Does
DB know yet?
Edit: Ah, just seen her name there.
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 8:52, archived)
# I phoned her with a warning last night
and emailed her this morning when I saw it was still working
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 8:53, archived)
# I actually
like it betterer.
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 9:02, archived)
# it is much
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 9:05, archived)
# if we can just get
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 9:10, archived)
# never much played it myself
I think KKM is meant to be writing a new pub scheduler
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 9:16, archived)
# It definitely has
a certain... something...
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 8:55, archived)
# we've got to be gentle with Arthur
and break him in slowly
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 9:15, archived)
# I like
the name Arthur.
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 9:26, archived)
# morning
better get that icq thingy working mate
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 8:28, archived)
# Like I can be arsed
to do that!

MSN works for me, so I might go back to that i munkt0n's one can't cope...
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 8:32, archived)
# addy?
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 8:39, archived)
# Well
just go to msn.com and download its messenger from there.
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 8:42, archived)
# no you twat
your addy, you've taken it out of your profile....
(, Wed 27 Aug 2003, 8:50, archived)