on the radio this morning, he sounded much happier than he did last week. Almost chipper, in fact. Thought I should mention.
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Mon 3 Nov 2003, 21:07,

"anyone who wants my old job is mad"
which made me chuckle a bit
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Mon 3 Nov 2003, 21:08,
which made me chuckle a bit

but I'd be worried that I'd do a better job than the real Tories
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Mon 3 Nov 2003, 21:22,

There is an argument that goes:
Politicians have to be good at lying in order to succeed.
Lying is symptomatic of some mental disorders.
The politicians that rise to the top of the political ladder are the best liars.
Therefore they are the craziest.
Ian and Duncan Smith are right.
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Mon 3 Nov 2003, 21:16,
Politicians have to be good at lying in order to succeed.
Lying is symptomatic of some mental disorders.
The politicians that rise to the top of the political ladder are the best liars.
Therefore they are the craziest.
Ian and Duncan Smith are right.

my brother has made a possibly interesting discovery...
have you seen the new PS2 adverts, with a plotline that's extremely reminiscent of your Crazy Paving animation?
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Mon 3 Nov 2003, 21:10,
have you seen the new PS2 adverts, with a plotline that's extremely reminiscent of your Crazy Paving animation?

It's too basic an idea to be copyrightable, and the anim itself is totally original.
Cheers for thinking of me though.
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Mon 3 Nov 2003, 21:13,
Cheers for thinking of me though.

but if you did inspire it, then at least it shows your work's getting noticed I suppose! :)
oh, on a tangent, are you related to AndyK here on the board? I saw him in the distance on friday and almost thought you'd made it down without bringing Phil!
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Mon 3 Nov 2003, 21:15,
oh, on a tangent, are you related to AndyK here on the board? I saw him in the distance on friday and almost thought you'd made it down without bringing Phil!

No I'm not related, but yes I was there. Wearing a name badge that I nicked off Andy K after he left. Er. Sorry.
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Mon 3 Nov 2003, 21:18,

cheating swine!
still, at least I now don't feel so stupid for almost mistaking someone else for you
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Mon 3 Nov 2003, 21:22,
still, at least I now don't feel so stupid for almost mistaking someone else for you

and i looked in his profile to find a pic of himself.
I now understand the confusion.
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Mon 3 Nov 2003, 21:22,
I now understand the confusion.

for that time I was drunk and thought you really were him while you stood in front of me looking affronted.
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Mon 3 Nov 2003, 21:23,

the first time i met 100% Kitten she greeted me with "OI, i've got a bone to pick with you" cos she also thought i was he.
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Mon 3 Nov 2003, 21:39,

always seem nicer when they're out of a job
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Mon 3 Nov 2003, 21:10,

thank you.
My mum was listening too, and she even reckoned a few things he said sounded a bit lefty.
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Mon 3 Nov 2003, 21:11,
My mum was listening too, and she even reckoned a few things he said sounded a bit lefty.