IN SPAAAAACE... I love it..
mnb098mnb used to be here,
Mon 2 Sep 2002, 11:10,
ok, I give up
where do you get your images from? do you work for a stock library or summat?
shiftClick shifts it.,
Mon 2 Sep 2002, 11:13,
Slim Rules
that's it - no need to say anymore
cheekyweasel I did a sick in your shoes,
Mon 2 Sep 2002, 11:17,
Nope- just Google & patience
I'm a technical author, so I don't even have a valid excuse to work with images.
Slim has found god. He was down the back of the sofa.,
Mon 2 Sep 2002, 11:18,
Animated Gif
Would you like me to make it into an animated GIF for you? ;-)
cheekyweasel I did a sick in your shoes,
Mon 2 Sep 2002, 11:17,
if you like
though, that's not actually my fish - just a picture of the same type. They're very hyper.
monkeon schmonkeon,
Mon 2 Sep 2002, 11:21,
For some reason
a very beautiful image. As well as funny. w/y/h
Mon 2 Sep 2002, 11:14,