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# I'm wondering if Song will drop the price of the PSII ...
... when the gamecube comes out. I'm a big fan of Nintendo, but hmm... I don't think the cube stands a chance.
(, Mon 11 Mar 2002, 6:09, archived)
# Forget
Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft. Get a Commodore One. Check the specs:

* Backward compatible with the C64
* 16 channel stereo SID
* Truecolour SVGA videomodes
* 20Mhz 65816 processor

More (but not much more) info here:

(, Mon 11 Mar 2002, 6:11, archived)
# you nonces
I have to work on all 3 platforms! Its coz of people like you lot i have to suffer and work on a PS2 shite!!
Gamecube is allright to work for but no matter what anyone says - Xbox is THE best console to work on at the moment!!! aaargh!
Xbox rocks - damn you all!!
(, Mon 11 Mar 2002, 6:13, archived)
# Sorry
but as an Anti-Microsoftian, I cannot buy or use an X-Box. Not without hating it, anyway :)
(, Mon 11 Mar 2002, 6:15, archived)
# gameboy advance ...
... is my favourite gaming platform. It's the only one that fits into my life.
(, Mon 11 Mar 2002, 6:19, archived)
# I've written a couple of gameboy games
and as soon as someone ports the unnofficial GBA devkit to the Amiga, and a suitable emulator, I'll write some GBA ones, too :)
(, Mon 11 Mar 2002, 6:36, archived)
# can you clear up a confusion i have?
as xbox is so closely related to a pc (using as it does all the directX libraries) will it not be INCREDIBLY easy for "third parties" to port xbox games to the pc?
(, Mon 11 Mar 2002, 6:26, archived)
# in theory
yes it will be easy - especially if the developers are making versions for both formats - but you can guarantee that most games will have a deal with xbox to be exclusive - and remember the xbox still has limitations because its a console - not a pc
(, Mon 11 Mar 2002, 6:35, archived)
# i meant third party as in "warez groups".
how much code would a bleem-style emulator actually take? would a simple recompiler suffice?
(, Mon 11 Mar 2002, 6:43, archived)
# thats naughty
but considering every console going is emulated its inevitable the xbox will too -
(, Mon 11 Mar 2002, 7:28, archived)
# the xbox
will give you a hernia ;)
(, Mon 11 Mar 2002, 6:46, archived)