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Please only go to registered jedi acupuncturists
else you might fall to the dark side!
curry monster ,
Sat 21 Aug 2004, 12:43,
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Small Beer ,
Sat 21 Aug 2004, 12:45,
archived )
Great treatment for when you keep having bad feelings about things.
Woo and yay!
Astatine ,
Sat 21 Aug 2004, 12:45,
archived )
nice one
tweaknik ,
Sat 21 Aug 2004, 12:48,
archived )
Thats very woo that is.
A couple of years ago a guy died during an acupuncture session in Camden, London. The postmortem and the inquest failed to establish any cause of death. Fucking spooky shit if you ask me. I don't thing the acupuncturist involved was a registered Jedi.
thegoose, quietly backs out of the room hoping no one noticed ,
Sat 21 Aug 2004, 12:48,
archived )
Could it have anything to do with the acupuncturist
using a pitchfork instead?
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sat 21 Aug 2004, 12:52,
archived )
this is why....
Because he went to an acutlerypuncturist by mistake :)
curry monster ,
Sat 21 Aug 2004, 12:55,
archived )
temper_temper Salmon ,
Sat 21 Aug 2004, 13:07,
archived )
"Feel the force master skywalker
crave cigarettes no longer you shall!" woo yay
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sat 21 Aug 2004, 12:49,
archived )
That am the woo-est
And yayest and houpla-est. Or something... *Goes back to the saturday afternoon fwap-ing*
temper_temper Salmon ,
Sat 21 Aug 2004, 12:53,
archived )
mr egg sandwich
meet mr monitor. I liked that, a lot. that am FP worthy IMO Edit: something i said was taken on board? *faints*
newg rum n coke ,
Sat 21 Aug 2004, 12:55,
archived )
that's well woo
gazz ,
Sat 21 Aug 2004, 13:04,
archived )
memo to self:
never click to b3ta in mid-swallow. There is now tuna salad all over the place, and a good portion has also just entered my lung. In summary: This pic am woo!!!!
tookishlad ,
Sat 21 Aug 2004, 18:27,
archived )
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