it works when theres 10 monsters
and you're one of 3 players in an open field, and when you're one of 20 monsters against 40 players and you're front line in a charge down the narrow cave corridor
Yeknom. Incontinence and Premature ejaculation? Easy come, easy go.,
Sun 12 Sep 2004, 22:40,
never done fighting in caves
we mostly have sand dunes, fields and woods
sounds fun though
Citizen Cavy Admires your passion for conformity,
Sun 12 Sep 2004, 22:41,
it's fun playing a sneaky wizard and actually being able to use the shadows
to sneak up in front of someone and get behind them, tap them on the shoulder "excuse me" you say, *bzzzzt* "AAAARGH!" *sizzle* they say
Yeknom. Incontinence and Premature ejaculation? Easy come, easy go.,
Sun 12 Sep 2004, 22:43,