gosh, no php? works with an image? how strange this technology thing!
ok, the iamge now works, but how do I check source for it? in this page?
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Sun 6 Oct 2002, 19:01,
ok, the iamge now works, but how do I check source for it? in this page?

boss? need to know your wonderful secrets!
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Sun 6 Oct 2002, 19:05,

I'll mail it to you, you'll need asp.net server to use it though
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Sun 6 Oct 2002, 19:07,

Maybe you can write code to display the image on top of/instead of/at the end of the shakey bit alfie
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Sun 6 Oct 2002, 19:11,

what you mean byu the shaky bit? also, it needs to be real big, so it cant really be an ani gif, flash is the best solution Ive found so far, but still cant hummus php...
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Sun 6 Oct 2002, 19:13,

if you were gonna have one.
I wouldn't mind something like this on a transparent background like the biscuit writing was i think.
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Sun 6 Oct 2002, 19:18,
I wouldn't mind something like this on a transparent background like the biscuit writing was i think.

I havnt used asp much yet, any specifics on how I should go about it once you send the code? do you have me mail addy?
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Sun 6 Oct 2002, 19:11,

thanks, gonna try hummus it later. bit miffed right this second, as per below.
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Sun 6 Oct 2002, 19:23,

to it too....good to see you 2 patched things up :)
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Sun 6 Oct 2002, 19:33,