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Granny made sausage rolls especially for you
go on eat up! some are vegetarian too, well that's what granny says.Prunes, it's full of guff
The Duke of Prunes ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:04,
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can i get a kiss
DragonSkiz ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:06,
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Damn fine sausage rolls
Threepwood is heading back to a town called b3ta ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:07,
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GrandmaOfShoes ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:08,
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Not bad at all.
Not been on here for ages. Popped in briefly a while back. Bust my knee a while back and couldnt get to my computer for ages edit - Hooray for Goose quest!
Threepwood is heading back to a town called b3ta ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:12,
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hahah thanks mate
glad you're well, sorry to hear about your knee though mate
GrandmaOfShoes ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:16,
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Late night snacks. Thanks Mr Prunes :)
Flowerpot No longer has the vapours thanks to DTH ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:07,
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Did you manage to order any jaffa cakes?
The Duke of Prunes ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:08,
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I put them into my shopping basket
Then wandered around the site and ended up with all sorts of goodies, £20's worth. You said it was expensive and I thought "bah, what's Mr Prunes talking about" I checked out and with postage it came to over £100. I abandoned the shopping spree and fainted :)
Flowerpot No longer has the vapours thanks to DTH ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:11,
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A hunnerd pounds?!
bloody hell! they're jaffa cakes that's only be brought out on birthdays, christmas, job interviews and other special occasions
The Duke of Prunes ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:15,
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M3Essential and The Essentials. LIVE! ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:09,
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[]DOo []DOo ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:11,
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'Ning Duke, which ones are vegetarian?
Brown cow ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:11,
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the ones still moving
M3Essential and The Essentials. LIVE! ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:13,
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Not sure
the ones the don't have fingers meat in the middle.
The Duke of Prunes ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:14,
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Any Collin Tommy updates?
Brown cow ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:15,
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one but it's not worth looking at,
I haven't heard from him since yesterday, I getting worried. What if he doesn't want to speak to me any more? what if he thinks I'm not worth his time? what if he doesn't want to buy the bandwagon 40 qty and 2 Dick Beattie 50 qty? What is he doesn't like me any more? *weeps*
The Duke of Prunes ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:18,
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Not to worry.
You'll find another buyer, i'm sure!
Cheredenine - Git orf moi laaaaand... ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:26,
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"It's beautiful........."
/guy from the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:20,
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i'll never eat
sausage rolls again thank you for my new found health
pippy is a truck ,
Tue 19 Apr 2005, 23:23,
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