Kylie's Guy Fawkes Party was always a spectacular evening.

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Tue 5 Nov 2002, 11:59,

women less prone to geekiness it says here.
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Tue 5 Nov 2002, 12:02,
women less prone to geekiness it says here.

I'm a geek
I'm a geek and proud of it..
oh well maybe I'm not.
( ,
Tue 5 Nov 2002, 12:06,
I'm a geek and proud of it..
oh well maybe I'm not.

and they call that news?
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Tue 5 Nov 2002, 12:15,

the next article in the paper is "Earth revolves round Sun"
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Tue 5 Nov 2002, 12:17,

the earth *does* revolve round the sun. and it's not flat. nyer.
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Tue 5 Nov 2002, 12:38,

a video of a woman doing that for real. Well, it might be camera-trickery but it doesn't stop it from being mesmerising.
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Tue 5 Nov 2002, 12:33,