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# No we don't
We can't make fun of blacks here on b3ta.
(, Mon 26 Sep 2005, 0:13, archived)
# bloody good point!!!!
why can't we do that ....?

is it really a white guilt thing or are we just scared of them (sic) really? Personally I think us honkies should be able to appropriately use n****r (see, I can't even say it here!) without fear of any nonesense

and as for sending 'em all home ...

Please discuss:
(, Mon 26 Sep 2005, 12:47, archived)
# 1. You're a cunt
2. There's a reason nobody else has touched this post with a barge pole.
(, Mon 26 Sep 2005, 19:59, archived)
# 1. Seems a little harsh ...
2. I think it is genuinely interesting that it is acceptable (on here anyway) to take the pi$$ out of raspberries (sic), the dead and dying etc etc (see posts above) but it remains un-acceptable to use race as subject matter. When B3ta seems to specialise and rejoice in the dis-tasteful it amazes me that my post still manages to provoke such a predictable response ... sigh ...

some of my best friends are black you know ... and gay!
(, Tue 27 Sep 2005, 19:21, archived)
# Not all of us are
I wonder why you assume that all the people that you've never seen in real like look the same as you?

As a modern English Black man, I don't have a problem with black jokes as long as they ARE jokes and not thinly disguised xenophobia.
(, Mon 26 Sep 2005, 22:50, archived)
# errr ...
what was I mean't to have assumed ....?

I find it hard to think of any 'black jokes' that AREN'T thinly disguised xenophobia. I think the basis of a lot of humour is simply the recognition of a difference and commenting on it - thus I find it hard to imagine a 'black joke' that I wouldn't find offensive - unless you know any ????

Personally I find the Daily Mail far more offensive than anything on this site ...

Wasn't a recent topic "what if Jim Davidson was PM" or something ... let me go back and check the posts from then to see what was 'acceptable' humour and what wasn't ...

'Course its the towel heads you really gotta watch ... (oh no, I've really done it now ...)
(, Tue 27 Sep 2005, 19:52, archived)