and leave a message on their voicemail and then they call you and leave
a message on your voicemail because youre both so incredibly busy
(ignoring your phone) and then they say "ha, were stuck in a game of phone-tag"
and you punch them in the throat.
( ,
Tue 16 Apr 2002, 15:53,
a message on your voicemail because youre both so incredibly busy
(ignoring your phone) and then they say "ha, were stuck in a game of phone-tag"
and you punch them in the throat.

'telephone tennis' arggg!!!
( ,
Tue 16 Apr 2002, 15:58,

I getcha.
I'm not important enough to have voicemail.
Not yet, anyway.
( ,
Tue 16 Apr 2002, 16:01,
I'm not important enough to have voicemail.
Not yet, anyway.

should I officially quit or let them fire me, for unemployment cash?
( ,
Tue 16 Apr 2002, 16:19,