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from discussion
further down the board, it's clear that's not true when it comes to those of us built for comfort not speed :o( (not that I'm single anyway, but still...)
Jadeviper was still alive on ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:15,
archived )
Didn't you hear me?
I said it's a FACT. In CAPITAL LETTERS. 100% FACT. So we'll have less of that from you. If you're a b3tan and a girl, you're hot by definition .
Baz Fuck off ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:18,
archived )
in that case
you've made my evening :o)
Jadeviper was still alive on ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:21,
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i shall, of course,
be pointing this thread out to a certain person when she gets in from the pub.
100% of Gibbon ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:21,
archived )
Could you send me that
in e-mail so I can show all my not-net friends?
Batsgirl ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:22,
archived )
you have friends
that aren't on the net? wow!
Jadeviper was still alive on ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:26,
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Oh hell yes
I've only had a modem for a week or so you see. That's why I don't post pics yet. I will one day though.
Batsgirl ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:28,
archived )
on entering our world. It's a slippery slope, but an enjoyable ride. Looking forward to seeing what you've got hidden away in your imagination.
Jadeviper was still alive on ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:34,
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that is all.
crouchingbadger ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 20:13,
archived )
I did think
fnar as I wrote that :o)
Jadeviper was still alive on ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 20:33,
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