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Ever wondered how Persian cats get their distinctive features?
Nowadays they use glue to keep the face in shape..
c_kick or, as some people call him ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 12:14,
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Thank you. My hangover is now complete ;¬)
Geoff the Clownfish You know Myra, some people might think you're cute ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 12:17,
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Statler&Waldorf I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK. ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 12:18,
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frogdog Fuck Your Holy Leaders ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 12:18,
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The If has remembered this site. ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 12:23,
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Reminds me of something i did years ago but never posted...
Woo to you fine sir
AgeOwns Has just started Geocaching ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 12:25,
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\,,/()() `·//-\`·/
Rico ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 12:25,
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SUPERB! really nicely done.
you have a great talent for this sort of animation
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 12:29,
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thank you!
*blush* couldn't you fix me up with an award for this? or should we start a new b3ta-club-member-thingie? :)
c_kick or, as some people call him ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 12:31,
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But you made me spray crumbs of scotch egg all over my keyboard.
Walrus Man Think hippy thoughts ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 12:29,
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this is
fan-fucking-tastic! and a woo for you.
ShigTheNewt isn't funny. -_- ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 12:35,
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Genie arse!
Ratsta ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 12:38,
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That really works?
where's my frying pan...
Kittenpants ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 12:52,
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great anim!
Fishcat Difficult difficult lemon difficult. ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 12:56,
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*clicks* *relurks*
geordiecoder ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 13:06,
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thats cocking ace!
Foo_Kinnell all the cut will be absorbed by it been a dog ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 13:17,
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Take THAT! Haha! Nice work - Kittums are cool...but cats are just pure bastard EVIL personified!!!!!!!! And lick their arses and then all over themselves... Now where was I??...Oh yes - *Click*
Ecky Thump Mozzarella you eh?! ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 13:30,
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This is the funniest thing I've seen since I measured my penis.
JimmerUK Everyone's Favourite Jim ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 13:39,
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What? 2" ??
Pete Tranter's Sister ,
Mon 31 Jul 2006, 10:32,
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Wrekriem ,
Sun 30 Jul 2006, 17:37,
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MrA ,
Mon 31 Jul 2006, 10:25,
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*trys it on his kitten*
...id didnt work, do you have a Manual?
I have imaginary friends, they're real people... I just imagine they're my friends! (>^.(>*_*)> ,
Mon 31 Jul 2006, 11:27,
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ha ha ha ha !
best spang in aaaages
amoebaboy chose for death by unga bunga on ,
Mon 31 Jul 2006, 11:38,
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I love it!
Father_Ted Drink! ,
Mon 31 Jul 2006, 11:49,
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Thought it was a nice normal image....
Took a sip of coffee...Then the frying pan hit! :) Brilliant sir..Pass go and collect £200, well deserved!
Spider Fucking Riviera got stiches for a knife wound for the first time ,
Mon 31 Jul 2006, 12:40,
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*spang* hehehe *wobble* *spang* hehehe *wobble* *spang* hehehe *wobble* *spang* hehehe *wobble* ...
Jokel ,
Mon 31 Jul 2006, 13:24,
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haha yehar!
another well deserved front page old bean
mutated monty ,
Mon 31 Jul 2006, 13:49,
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c_kick or, as some people call him ,
Mon 31 Jul 2006, 14:14,
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Rated Arrr for pirates and nudity ,
Mon 31 Jul 2006, 19:12,
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beautiful cat...
SPANG ugly cat.
urbane legend i have known the inexorable sadness of pencils ,
Mon 31 Jul 2006, 22:24,
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Not the first time I've seen that done, but certainly one of the best. Woo, and yay!
Rapitinui get in the cage and I'll give you a treat ,
Tue 1 Aug 2006, 0:49,
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I knew it! I bet that's how they make pugs too.
Gyrate AHHHHHH! Saviour of the Universe! ,
Tue 1 Aug 2006, 10:59,
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Love it!
Many thanks, and for 'Cats and their personal stereos' which has made its way to my inbox today, and sent our entire office into hysterics. Keep up the great work!
Hermioninny ,
Fri 4 Aug 2006, 12:37,
archived )
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