Oh god yeah..
in our office, which is part of a larger shared building type thing. the radiator knobs are actually broken, so they're permanently on, very very high. And in a small room with mostly glass walls, 6 people and about 10 computers, it's not pleasant at all.
imnotplayinganymore Like a rock. Like a planet.,
Thu 7 Dec 2006, 14:12,
6 sweaty cracks for your pleasure
Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird,
Thu 7 Dec 2006, 14:14,
At school on hot days I used to be the first out of the room at break times
since the smell of 30+ teenage sweating arsecracks all standing simultaneously made me dry heave
Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird,
Thu 7 Dec 2006, 14:18,