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# Well there I was, a gay athiest ,
thinking that an adoption agency would know enough about choosing suitable parents for vulnerable children. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that a good and kind heterosexual father figure would benefit a straight boy more than I could. When other children find out or even suspect you are gay they can make your life intolerable. I don't even want to think about what it would be like for a straight lad when his peers find out about his two dads. And if you think your 'rights' laws make any difference they don't, and they never will. You cannot change attitudes by legislation, in fact you invariably make things worse for reasonable people and harden the attitudes of the bigots.
Since this discussion started other major religions have now sided with the RCs on this issue. I know this is another opportunity to vent your bile on anyone who ever believed in god, whether they were good or bad people, but I can tell you from personal contact that a great many lay people also agree. Unfortunately there is no room for a proper discussion to take place because of the sort of tirade I have seen here if anyone dares to disagree that EVERYBODY has a RIGHT to adopt children.
I believe everybody should have equal rights but that doesn't meaan all people are suited to all situations.
I can remember the dark days when gangs would regularly bus into town for a spot of 'queer bashing' (also 'nigger bashing'). This mostly died out, not because of legislation, which was already in place, but because others gradually accepted homosexuality until eventually the law was changed to allow it. Over a period of a couple of decades people became more accepting of differences, through integration and discussion. Now the pendulum has swung right out through the side of the clock and we have to be multicultural, multi- genderal and never say how we actually feel about important issues. Positive vetting is the buzz-policy everywhere you go. What the policymakers and their followers don't seem to realise is that positive vetting automatically produces negative vetting of someone else, in otherwords prejudice. This in turn produces resentment, but this time from the majority, which makes life harder and harder for people like me.
So by all means keep up your crusade and continue to present your extremely constructive and rational arguments, I loved the one you made about all the gay male cavemen sitting around babysitting while the straights went out hunting!
All I ask is that if you ever see me in any kind of predicament, for goodness sake don't speak on my behalf, I can manage very well without a stoning thank you.
Tolerence, if anything, is what will save this troubled world and you my friend are so consumed by your own anger and hatred for your fellow men that you have no room for any.

(, Mon 29 Jan 2007, 17:42, archived)