Not half!
By the way, I think Bungle's cock is the same one that is on display when you type 'penis' into wiki
Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird,
Fri 27 Jul 2007, 9:00,
He just likes looking at rude words!
Like when you were a kid and looked for 'bastard' in the dictionary, and was disapointed when 'fuck' wasn't in.
Mstandot I suppose I should post more often.,
Fri 27 Jul 2007, 9:04,
I found spunk in my Griffin Saver dictionary
but that's a different story
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something.,
Fri 27 Jul 2007, 9:05,
*checks back*
Oh they changed the picture!!!
Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird,
Fri 27 Jul 2007, 9:07,