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I`m sure you`ve been asked this a zillion times already,
but what are you using to do these animations. They really are rather impressive.
Dr Wadd ,
Thu 20 Feb 2003, 22:15,
archived )
I think he needs
a Santexo FAQ in his profile
crouchingbadger ,
Thu 20 Feb 2003, 22:16,
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I would guess flash
considering when you click the picture, it's a .swf :¬)
dogsbollocks ,
Thu 20 Feb 2003, 22:17,
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Smartarse :)
I just found that out on Santexo's web site. I have a copy of Poser kicking around here from a cover disc. I`ll have to give it a go and then feel thorougly disappointed when my results don`t come out anywhere near as good as these.
Dr Wadd ,
Thu 20 Feb 2003, 22:21,
archived )
i have that
i got it free on a coverdisk that also had cinema 4d on it
sprinkles ITS AN ISLAND, morron ,
Thu 20 Feb 2003, 22:26,
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Same here.
Just never got around to doing anything sensible with it as I can`t get used to using Cinema4D, I was always an Imagine on the Amiga man.
Dr Wadd ,
Thu 20 Feb 2003, 22:31,
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see below
I can't wait for Proper Bo Selecta on Friday, just seen a trail again, with Michael Jackson. I really do love his characterisations of people.
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Thu 20 Feb 2003, 22:22,
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They're not animations
they're real :p
dr_fonz ,
Thu 20 Feb 2003, 22:19,
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i use poser
and render it as a .swf and then put it together in flash.
santexo ,
Thu 20 Feb 2003, 22:20,
archived )
Did you build the monkeys yourself, or did you get them from off the web? Ive been playing about with Poser/AVIs/Image Ready & getting some pretty good resultssee:-here here and here
monkeymanblue mathematically safe ,
Thu 20 Feb 2003, 22:57,
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