is about the bestest thing anyone could have said ever about one of my pics!
I luv u man! *mannish hugs*
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks,
Fri 14 Mar 2003, 0:34,
i probably would too
bandwagons suck arse for the main part - but once in a while you get a funny one.. and that was it... oh i like the swinging swing one up there too :)
Fri 14 Mar 2003, 0:36,
Coo, ta muchly!
And I agree with the swing one too, that's/they're cracking.
*faints from huge amounts of high-class praise*
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks,
Fri 14 Mar 2003, 0:38,
Spazzers will never know
but I have... it'll probably be changed back by the afternoon though :)
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks,
Fri 14 Mar 2003, 0:50,