I hate to pendantasize....
.... but that's a
G sus 4 (no 5th)
or a
C 5 (1st inversion)
or if you are counting the unmarked strings as open then:
G add9 sus4
sorry. I hate myself for this....
jimis completed the '90s, now attempting the next level,
Mon 28 Sep 2009, 13:39,
he's right you know
Spunky McPunk not dead yet,
Mon 28 Sep 2009, 15:00,
You could make it a
G sus 2, then the 2 could be the 'do' part.
Either way, that had me lmaoing all over the floor so hard. Top job!
guffguff fuckes your gradeds balls!,
Mon 28 Sep 2009, 18:26,
problem is....
....I pronounce that "G Suspended Second".
My life has no meaning or purpose....
jimis completed the '90s, now attempting the next level,
Tue 29 Sep 2009, 9:17,