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This is a question Irrational Hatred

People who say "less" when they mean "fewer" ought to be turned into soup, the soup fed to baboons and the baboons fired into an active volcano. What has you grinding your teeth with rage, and why?

Suggested by Smash Monkey

(, Thu 31 Mar 2011, 14:36)
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sales people in particular.

"Could I just have a signature from yourself"
No, it's "May I have a signature from you" or actually "May I have your signature"
(, Thu 31 Mar 2011, 17:24, 2 replies)
Who used to work with me did this all the time, along with peppering every sentence with "actual" and "actually".

Once he uttered the immortal sentence, while talking on the phone to a customer about the build specs from their customer that we needed to fulfil a contract job:

"If we could get from yourselves the actual physical actual pacifications for the actual goods sent from your customer themselves to ourselves, then the actual build from ourselves can actually ship to yourselves in accordance with the actual wishes of themselves."


When what he meant to say was "can you ask your customer to send us the specs please?".
(, Thu 31 Mar 2011, 17:38, closed)
I think you should get that printed up and framed.
Bloody wonderful.
(, Thu 31 Mar 2011, 17:45, closed)

(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 10:40, closed)

This reflexive pronoun misuse is definitely at the foundations of a new language that I call "Callcentrese" (whilst I've never heard anyone else use that term, I wouldn't be arrogant enough to claim that I coined it).

"I spoke to yourself yesterday," someone once said to me. I felt like replying: "Which one? My social self? My work self?"
(, Thu 31 Mar 2011, 20:53, closed)

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