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This is a question Professions I Hate

Broken Arrow says: Bankers, recruitment consultants, politicians. What professions do you hate and why?

(, Thu 27 May 2010, 12:26)
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thats great and everything but,
People shouldn't have to um and ah and look at calculations about whether they'd be better off being on the dole and/or receiving benefits, or whether they should get a job. Benefits should be cut to a minimum, and I mean BARE minimum to survive i.e food stamps, nappies, second hand clothes, no satellite tv, no perks/freebies, internet, restricted elec and gas so that it is only available to heat and light their home, communal laundry services etc.

If being jobless, without a skill or qualifications or training of some sort, or having kids that the parents have no means of supporting, were made to be so unappealing and harsh then people wouldn't get themselves into such situations, or at least in the unemployment case, wouldn't stay there for long.

I realise relationships end unexpectedly and people badly affected should be helped, but for people that are too stupid to use a condom, then, I believe that the government should help if it happens once(even this seems a bit generous), do it twice and you're on your own.

As for people, who 'can't get a decent job' well maybe if you'd listened to your mummy and daddy and tried harder at school then you wouldn't be in this situation now would you? STFU and go collect your food stamps.

We live in a country where laziness, apathy and an attitude that someone, somewhere, is going to give you something for nothing has been accepted for too long. People aren't worried about the consequences of their actions(or in the most cases, lack of them), nobody actually struggles, in a lot of sink estates they actually thrive ffs.

I was in India last year and one thing that struck me,(apart from the abject poverty) was that everyone was doing something. Nobody was idle. Even the kids at the side of the road with polio so bad that their legs were bowed and they couldn't stand up, even they were carving things from wood or singing or doing anything they could in order to get money or food. Of course we shouldn't look to third world poverty stricken countries as beacons of hope, but the basic message is the same,

Don't work, don't eat, don't live.
(, Wed 2 Jun 2010, 19:02, 1 reply)
I lost my job in February this year. I'm 50, I was a sub-postmaster in a little village. We bought the place 4 years ago, it was a newsagents, off-licence, village store, post office. I was working from 6 am till 6 pm everyday except Sunday, when I did 6 till 12:30, so 78.5 hours a week. Most of the money we made went to the bank. People dont use village shops anymore. We put somewhere near 80 grand into this place and sold it in Feb this year and still owe the bank around 130k. I live with my missus and 19 year old daughter who is a full time student. I've been out of work since february. I get housing benefit, council tax benefit, free dental and prescriptions. To feed 3 adults, pay electricity, gas, water, phone bill I get £100 per week. We live in a village so we need a car to get anywhere cos the bus service is fucking shite, so that has to be factored in. I'm having to borrow from friends and family all the time.

Don't you fucking dare, you patronising twat, tell me that I need to get off my arse and find a job. I'm looking every fucking day, I've worked ever since the Monday after I left school, I'm never off through sickness and I work fucking hard. I've applied for maybe 20 jobs since feb, I haven't even had a fucking reply. I've been working with IT stuff up until taking the post office on, I can fix computers with my eyes closed, but now I have to have MCSE or MCA which I don't, so I'm having to try for whatevers out there, but I can't get a fucking thing. And twats like you give me shit like this? Because I can't even get an interview, I'm a lazy fucker? Get real you wanker...

I await your fucking smartarse answer.
(, Thu 3 Jun 2010, 0:13, closed)
"People don't use village shops anymore"

(, Thu 3 Jun 2010, 2:58, closed)
So you made a bad investment?
Most people wish they had £80,000 to set up a business, but few ever manage it. It didn't work out and you shouldn't get angry at other people or the state for that.

Perhaps the best way to do it would to make job seeking benefits value based on how much you have contributed to Tax/NI over the years, that would mean the people who are scroungers and refuse to work would get very little (like 10-20%) and people who have worked there whole life would get 100%. Then it would be more like a forced job loss insurance, rather than you just paying for the scroungers.
(, Thu 3 Jun 2010, 13:51, closed)

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