Profile for You're all morons.:
This used to be a funny place to be. Now it's mostly shite. Regression to the mean, I guess.
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This used to be a funny place to be. Now it's mostly shite. Regression to the mean, I guess.
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» People with Stupid Names
TWA Pilot
I worked at the TWA training centre in Kansas once. The locals couldn't understand why I was falling about laughing, having seen a name tag on one of the pilot cases: "Capt. Hank Wank"
I kid you not.
(Fri 27th Aug 2004, 7:38, More)
TWA Pilot
I worked at the TWA training centre in Kansas once. The locals couldn't understand why I was falling about laughing, having seen a name tag on one of the pilot cases: "Capt. Hank Wank"
I kid you not.
(Fri 27th Aug 2004, 7:38, More)