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» Pet Names
when i was on work experience at a vet surgery
not very long ago, there were two cats in the hospital for the long-run...they were called Cat 1 and Cat 2 by thier owner, who believed that as they wouldn't answer why give them names? Part of the problem was, nobody knew which one was Cat 1 and which was Cat 2.
Anyway, one of these cats was as old as the dinosaurs, approximately, and had every disease under the sun, but the most obvious were liver failure (making it very, very scrawny) and ringworm (making it bald in patches - not good on a black cat). We called him Prince Charming.
His mate, who was only in the hospital to keep Prince Charming company, was massively obese, mainly because he'd eat anything. We called him Fatso, Fat Cat or The Pig.
I apologise for the lenght of that
(Wed 25th Feb 2004, 21:21, More)
when i was on work experience at a vet surgery
not very long ago, there were two cats in the hospital for the long-run...they were called Cat 1 and Cat 2 by thier owner, who believed that as they wouldn't answer why give them names? Part of the problem was, nobody knew which one was Cat 1 and which was Cat 2.
Anyway, one of these cats was as old as the dinosaurs, approximately, and had every disease under the sun, but the most obvious were liver failure (making it very, very scrawny) and ringworm (making it bald in patches - not good on a black cat). We called him Prince Charming.
His mate, who was only in the hospital to keep Prince Charming company, was massively obese, mainly because he'd eat anything. We called him Fatso, Fat Cat or The Pig.
I apologise for the lenght of that
(Wed 25th Feb 2004, 21:21, More)
» Slang Survey
to take the piss - to be rinsed/ to have the piss take out of you.
oldie but goodie...'bung' or bungie' (meaning a rubber or eraser)...we used that when I was at a posh prep school e.g. 'pass the bungie' 'stop throwing your bungie, Smith Major!'....smith major would be the eldest smith child - still jump a mile if someone barks 'major' after my surname.
and another piece of playground yelling...'quiz!' meaning 'who wants this which I am holding?' to which you reply 'ego!' while waving your hands up in the air (trans. me! pick me! I want that digestive!) 'parently its latin...bloody public schools
(Sun 1st Feb 2004, 14:40, More)
to take the piss - to be rinsed/ to have the piss take out of you.
oldie but goodie...'bung' or bungie' (meaning a rubber or eraser)...we used that when I was at a posh prep school e.g. 'pass the bungie' 'stop throwing your bungie, Smith Major!'....smith major would be the eldest smith child - still jump a mile if someone barks 'major' after my surname.
and another piece of playground yelling...'quiz!' meaning 'who wants this which I am holding?' to which you reply 'ego!' while waving your hands up in the air (trans. me! pick me! I want that digestive!) 'parently its latin...bloody public schools
(Sun 1st Feb 2004, 14:40, More)
» Have you ever started a fire?
not me
but some people I know...honest
Chemistry was always a source of fun...
Investigating Substances, age approx. 15 - whole class proceeds to set fire to said substances, particularly the sulfur, wax and large piles of magnesium. hint: powder gives a more satisfying bang.
Sword-fights with lit bunsen burners...followed shortly by and excursion for the fire extinguisher.
Our teacher used to regularly set fire to his desk when burned green and blue and purple depending on what he'd been spilling on it.
Now, this isn't fire, but it does involve smoke...chemistry last year...a whole 16 years old, we were, just into the sixth form...we're doing some experiment, involving H2SO4 probably, and we do what all good students do when we're done...pour the waste down the sink...cue steady smoke from the plug hole and a massive panic for a whole 5 seconds...then everyone else joins in.
My physics teacher, as a student, apparently once poured liquid nitrogen down the toilet...that's not even slightly relevant but you can imagine the results...mmm, frosty
(Wed 3rd Mar 2004, 22:13, More)
not me
but some people I know...honest
Chemistry was always a source of fun...
Investigating Substances, age approx. 15 - whole class proceeds to set fire to said substances, particularly the sulfur, wax and large piles of magnesium. hint: powder gives a more satisfying bang.
Sword-fights with lit bunsen burners...followed shortly by and excursion for the fire extinguisher.
Our teacher used to regularly set fire to his desk when burned green and blue and purple depending on what he'd been spilling on it.
Now, this isn't fire, but it does involve smoke...chemistry last year...a whole 16 years old, we were, just into the sixth form...we're doing some experiment, involving H2SO4 probably, and we do what all good students do when we're done...pour the waste down the sink...cue steady smoke from the plug hole and a massive panic for a whole 5 seconds...then everyone else joins in.
My physics teacher, as a student, apparently once poured liquid nitrogen down the toilet...that's not even slightly relevant but you can imagine the results...mmm, frosty
(Wed 3rd Mar 2004, 22:13, More)
» Pet Names
and another one
as I'm too lazy to edit...
I once had a guinea pig called Squeakaboo - on account of his peculiar habit of squeaking wildly while hiding round the corner of his hutch...later, we got another guinea pig and named it SqueakabooTwo, as it looked just like Squeaky.
And my cat is called Kobblaar...our guard named her, thinking it was a boy - my mum found her on a Thursday, and Kobblaar is Gharnain for Thursday...but I found it was a girl - handily we can now tell people its Arabic for kisses...I have no idea how its spelt.
My dads dogs are called Kuki (fuck knows, his wife named it) and Jozi (named by his wife, after Johannesburg, where the dog was from), who answers to Stupid, thanks to me and my brother. She also answers to Fuckwit and Retard.
(Wed 25th Feb 2004, 22:03, More)
and another one
as I'm too lazy to edit...
I once had a guinea pig called Squeakaboo - on account of his peculiar habit of squeaking wildly while hiding round the corner of his hutch...later, we got another guinea pig and named it SqueakabooTwo, as it looked just like Squeaky.
And my cat is called Kobblaar...our guard named her, thinking it was a boy - my mum found her on a Thursday, and Kobblaar is Gharnain for Thursday...but I found it was a girl - handily we can now tell people its Arabic for kisses...I have no idea how its spelt.
My dads dogs are called Kuki (fuck knows, his wife named it) and Jozi (named by his wife, after Johannesburg, where the dog was from), who answers to Stupid, thanks to me and my brother. She also answers to Fuckwit and Retard.
(Wed 25th Feb 2004, 22:03, More)
» Slang Survey
now then
we used 'to badger'...'badgering about' meant to sit about doing nothing in particular...a complete badger/badge replaced 'randomer' in our vocabulary, to describe someone behaving wierdly. e.g. 'did you see that badger dancing rounmd the lampost?'
Inshallah (frest vet slang, below) is an arabic phrase meaning 'Allah willing' or 'Praise Allah' mother says it.
(Wed 4th Feb 2004, 9:08, More)
now then
we used 'to badger'...'badgering about' meant to sit about doing nothing in particular...a complete badger/badge replaced 'randomer' in our vocabulary, to describe someone behaving wierdly. e.g. 'did you see that badger dancing rounmd the lampost?'
Inshallah (frest vet slang, below) is an arabic phrase meaning 'Allah willing' or 'Praise Allah' mother says it.
(Wed 4th Feb 2004, 9:08, More)