Profile for asda_smart_price:
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- a member for 20 years, 2 months and 27 days
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- They liked 25 pictures, 0 links, 0 talk posts, and 17 qotw answers.
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Losing Your Virginity
The Vanishing Penis
Way back when, freshers fair, durex girls are out in force giving out free condoms, whey hey, grab a load.
Three months later, brand new girlfriend makes it clear what she is getting but demands i don a jonny.
grab the nearest one without checking it. Put it on, and go in for a poke. Stop. Realise i can't feel my willy at all. Become concerend. See empty Packet
**Performa Condom**
Numbness is spreading down. Realise I have just put an anaesthetic filled condom on and i was steadily loosing all feeling. Went theough the motions but realised i simply cudnt feel anything and stopped.
Girlfriend laughed. I nearly cried. It took a full 45 minutes to begin to feel anything again, by which point neither of us was in the mood.
Thankyou Durex. Apologies for lengh
(Tue 8th Mar 2005, 17:08, More)
The Vanishing Penis
Way back when, freshers fair, durex girls are out in force giving out free condoms, whey hey, grab a load.
Three months later, brand new girlfriend makes it clear what she is getting but demands i don a jonny.
grab the nearest one without checking it. Put it on, and go in for a poke. Stop. Realise i can't feel my willy at all. Become concerend. See empty Packet
**Performa Condom**
Numbness is spreading down. Realise I have just put an anaesthetic filled condom on and i was steadily loosing all feeling. Went theough the motions but realised i simply cudnt feel anything and stopped.
Girlfriend laughed. I nearly cried. It took a full 45 minutes to begin to feel anything again, by which point neither of us was in the mood.
Thankyou Durex. Apologies for lengh
(Tue 8th Mar 2005, 17:08, More)
» Crappy Prizes
I won
a p45 for being caught reading b3ta and not actualy working.
thinking about it, ive won even more b3ta cos now I dont have to get up and come all the way to work, i can read b3ta in bed.
(Tue 9th Aug 2005, 16:09, More)
I won
a p45 for being caught reading b3ta and not actualy working.
thinking about it, ive won even more b3ta cos now I dont have to get up and come all the way to work, i can read b3ta in bed.
(Tue 9th Aug 2005, 16:09, More)
» Worst Nicknames Ever
Nicknames? I collect them like the emotional scars they are
I have enough real names for people to have no reason to manufacture some new appellation. So far in my relatively short life i have had a variety of nicknames, here they are (in chronological order):
kissifer (from the cartoon "the racoons" i beleive")
Lord Badger
Badge* (these 3 come from the fact that for two years i had a solitary red stripe running through my hair)
JPP* (my middle initials)
Japers* (less formal version of the above
(*) denotes a name still in use. many people are confused when two people can call me by two completely different names. At one point someone thought i was two people. I often get confused myself
My full name is in fact Christopher John Patrick Peter Mullan (or more properly Mullan-Savage de Normandie)
so is there any reason to add more?
(Sun 21st May 2006, 17:59, More)
Nicknames? I collect them like the emotional scars they are
I have enough real names for people to have no reason to manufacture some new appellation. So far in my relatively short life i have had a variety of nicknames, here they are (in chronological order):
kissifer (from the cartoon "the racoons" i beleive")
Lord Badger
Badge* (these 3 come from the fact that for two years i had a solitary red stripe running through my hair)
JPP* (my middle initials)
Japers* (less formal version of the above
(*) denotes a name still in use. many people are confused when two people can call me by two completely different names. At one point someone thought i was two people. I often get confused myself
My full name is in fact Christopher John Patrick Peter Mullan (or more properly Mullan-Savage de Normandie)
so is there any reason to add more?
(Sun 21st May 2006, 17:59, More)