b3ta.com user The Teviot Moose
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Profile for The Teviot Moose:
Profile Info:


No Really...
32, m, That-London, tall, skinny, warped, sarcy, depressive, geeky, brainy, speccy, beautiful.

Or simply.


Oh, and I'm a huge book reader, so any recommendations are always welcome! Similarly if you need recommendations, I'm happy to give them.

I am mainly /talk dayshift and am one of a few b3tan bankers.

I am the proud food-provider-by-proxy of two delightful felines :

Four legs good. Three legs better.

My baldmonkey Top-Trump Card : Teviot Moose

And, with thanks to the wonderful Red Rocket

- who is the bollocks...

I am Plague. Got Me?
Which Horrible Affliction are you?
A Rum and Monkey disease.

Grammar God!
You are a GRAMMAR GOD!

Congratulations! If your mission in life
is not already to preserve the English tongue,
it should be. You can smell a grammtical
inaccuracy from fifty yards. Your speech is
revered by the underlings, though some may
blaspheme and call you a snob. They're just
jealous. Go out there and change the world.

How grammatically correct are you? (Revised with answer key)
brought to you by Quizilla

What Is Your Animal Personality?

brought to you by Quizilla

How appropriate...

What Flavour Are You? Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You?

LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

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Created by Bart King

And, with thanks to Enigmatic :
Certificate :D

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» Losing Your Virginity

Rock On!
Glastonbury festival 1997, I was 19, she was 23. We met after Ocean Colour Scene, drank a box of wine (classy). Watched Radiohead, in each others arms, in the mud. (Still one of my bestest memories). Wandered around the site for a while before being "invited" back to her tent. Cue much stress as I discovered a distinct lack of protection either on my person, or in any of the still-open shops (this was after all 2am...). Saved by some random drunk guy who heard my pleas at one of the shops - he donated his - what a gent...

Proceeded to sh*g, rather uncomfortably in a 2-person tent, before a morning stumble back to my tent for the daily beer. Never saw her again.

Still, if she's out there - thanks Jane

Apologies for length. But she LOVED it...
(Mon 7th Mar 2005, 14:44, More)

» Ouch!

Some years ago, I was a fresh-faced 18year-old who didn't smoke, or do drugs and drank only in moderation.

Then 10% of my lung collapsed. I was sitting in a classroom, and had a stabbing pain in my chest. That was pretty painful.

This happened on a fairly regular basis for the next 2 years until I convinced a doctor that it needed sorting. So I had surgery, that involved stapling a part of my lung off, scraping part of the lung so it caused scar tissue, and stopping it collapsing again. That was painful.

Then my lung fully collapsed. 100% gone. I was rushed into more surgery. They pour a load of kaolin into my lung cavity to cause inflammation and more scar tissue to "stick" my lung to the chest wall. That was very painful.

Then my darling brother sent me a comedy tape to listen to in order to pass the time. That was extremely painful. I have never "cried" with laughter like that before.

Apologies for length, but the nurses LOVED me.
(Thu 29th Jul 2010, 17:48, More)

» Beautiful Moments

Agrees completely with Camel Related incident...
Glastonbury 1997, Radiohead

Wet, cold, muddy, but...

woman in my arms, wine in my belly, and last song of their encore Radiohead play Street Spirit (my favourite). The stage is bathed in purple light, and purple fireworks go off.

Mesmerising. Perfect. Wow.
(Wed 16th Mar 2005, 20:07, More)