Profile for roasted sultana:
22 m brum
single, looking for similar female for fracca's of the highest order! ;)
play paintball at national level
work for vodafone ( and before you ask no i cant get you a cheap phone!)
i'm a posting virgin so be gentle! :)
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22 m brum
single, looking for similar female for fracca's of the highest order! ;)
play paintball at national level
work for vodafone ( and before you ask no i cant get you a cheap phone!)
i'm a posting virgin so be gentle! :)
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Best answers to questions:
» Jobsworths
basingstoke twuntmaster general!
i met one of the most might jobsworths on the planet when i took a trip down to farnborough from brum
as there is no direct route i had to geta train to basingstoke and then another to farnborough
well... as i get into basingstoke i go find out what platform and time the train is...
i show me jobsworth my ticket...which is different to the southern tickets as it is not slide in and read compatible due to the skankability of the midlands trains service
"thats to farnborough mate" he says as he insects my ticket
"yeah i know, i just need to check the times and platform of the next train to farnborough"
"no... you cant do that son"! (SON!!!?? WTF bearing in mind im 22...the only people who can call me that are my mar par and the police!)
"why not?" i asked
"cant have people doing that"
he then proceeds to call his mate over and his mate then tells me i have an hour wait till the next train on platform number 4
to which point i needed to buy me some *wink* parecetamol from the chemist just over the road
"what do you need to go to the chemist for?" he asks
to which i was rather annoyed and decided to engage sarcasm mode
"to get some forceps to remove your head from your arse"
at which point i just snapped my ticket out of his hand and walked past him.
on the way back 5 mins before the train was due i just flicked him the bird and walked straight past him!!....he knew who i was so felt no need to show him my ticket!
thankfully he wasnt there for the return leg!
(Fri 13th May 2005, 17:44, More)
basingstoke twuntmaster general!
i met one of the most might jobsworths on the planet when i took a trip down to farnborough from brum
as there is no direct route i had to geta train to basingstoke and then another to farnborough
well... as i get into basingstoke i go find out what platform and time the train is...
i show me jobsworth my ticket...which is different to the southern tickets as it is not slide in and read compatible due to the skankability of the midlands trains service
"thats to farnborough mate" he says as he insects my ticket
"yeah i know, i just need to check the times and platform of the next train to farnborough"
"no... you cant do that son"! (SON!!!?? WTF bearing in mind im 22...the only people who can call me that are my mar par and the police!)
"why not?" i asked
"cant have people doing that"
he then proceeds to call his mate over and his mate then tells me i have an hour wait till the next train on platform number 4
to which point i needed to buy me some *wink* parecetamol from the chemist just over the road
"what do you need to go to the chemist for?" he asks
to which i was rather annoyed and decided to engage sarcasm mode
"to get some forceps to remove your head from your arse"
at which point i just snapped my ticket out of his hand and walked past him.
on the way back 5 mins before the train was due i just flicked him the bird and walked straight past him!!....he knew who i was so felt no need to show him my ticket!
thankfully he wasnt there for the return leg!
(Fri 13th May 2005, 17:44, More)
» Beautiful Moments
a melon a collie and madness
its my first post so be gentle! (break out the vaseline!)
been lurking for a while...hangs head in shame....bout 2 or more years!
i have to say one of the most beautiful moments ive had was as such.
warm summer evening lying in the back garden with my then gf on the garden table
looking up at the sky listening to the blackbirds singing their merry tune, warm wind blowing in my and her hair a low sun warming our faces, wind chimes dancing and creating a mood so serene that we both carry that as one of the best moment in our lives, arm in arm we kissed laying and discussing random things
absolutely off the scale
hope it conveyed well! :D
(Tue 15th Mar 2005, 11:31, More)
a melon a collie and madness
its my first post so be gentle! (break out the vaseline!)
been lurking for a while...hangs head in shame....bout 2 or more years!
i have to say one of the most beautiful moments ive had was as such.
warm summer evening lying in the back garden with my then gf on the garden table
looking up at the sky listening to the blackbirds singing their merry tune, warm wind blowing in my and her hair a low sun warming our faces, wind chimes dancing and creating a mood so serene that we both carry that as one of the best moment in our lives, arm in arm we kissed laying and discussing random things
absolutely off the scale
hope it conveyed well! :D
(Tue 15th Mar 2005, 11:31, More)
» Useless Information
did you know that...
in space... no one can hear you scream!!
funny that!
the moon isn't actually made of cheese
the only mammel in the world that cant jump is an elephant
an australian marsh fly will follow its victim for 2 whoile days before biting and drinking our inner juice
bruce Lee was so fast, that they actually had to slow a film down so you could see his moves
bet you didnt did you?? ;)
(Thu 17th Mar 2005, 15:48, More)
did you know that...
in space... no one can hear you scream!!
funny that!
the moon isn't actually made of cheese
the only mammel in the world that cant jump is an elephant
an australian marsh fly will follow its victim for 2 whoile days before biting and drinking our inner juice
bruce Lee was so fast, that they actually had to slow a film down so you could see his moves
bet you didnt did you?? ;)
(Thu 17th Mar 2005, 15:48, More)