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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Essential Items
A Genuine "Guess Who" card
...that looks scarily like me....and my name is Daniel.
(Wed 2nd Nov 2005, 10:31, More)
A Genuine "Guess Who" card
...that looks scarily like me....and my name is Daniel.
(Wed 2nd Nov 2005, 10:31, More)
» Misunderstood
Not me but a teacher at my secondary school:
At the end of an RE lesson just as everyone was getting up to leave the teacher suddenly remembered the homework assignment. "I want you to find out as much information as you can about Youth in Asia and bring it in next week". Like good pupils we all turned up next week with some hastily gathered information on what kids get up to in China and India etc. This baffled the teacher for a few moments before he realised his mistake, none of us had ever heard of euthanasia.
(Fri 7th Oct 2005, 9:04, More)
Not me but a teacher at my secondary school:
At the end of an RE lesson just as everyone was getting up to leave the teacher suddenly remembered the homework assignment. "I want you to find out as much information as you can about Youth in Asia and bring it in next week". Like good pupils we all turned up next week with some hastily gathered information on what kids get up to in China and India etc. This baffled the teacher for a few moments before he realised his mistake, none of us had ever heard of euthanasia.
(Fri 7th Oct 2005, 9:04, More)
» Crappy Prizes
At the yearly Summer Fete at my primary school, a kid in my class won the top prize in the prize draw, a brand new car (a Peugeot I recall). Being only 10 he thought he'd give the car to his Mum. Upon trying to claim the prize he was told he was too young, and despite his protests that he wasn't going to drive it himself he was given a toy car instead and sent on his way. The garage that had donated the shiny new car took it back to their showroom with a big smile knowing they'd got a days worth of publicity for the cost of a shitty little dinky toy.
(Thu 4th Aug 2005, 12:52, More)
At the yearly Summer Fete at my primary school, a kid in my class won the top prize in the prize draw, a brand new car (a Peugeot I recall). Being only 10 he thought he'd give the car to his Mum. Upon trying to claim the prize he was told he was too young, and despite his protests that he wasn't going to drive it himself he was given a toy car instead and sent on his way. The garage that had donated the shiny new car took it back to their showroom with a big smile knowing they'd got a days worth of publicity for the cost of a shitty little dinky toy.
(Thu 4th Aug 2005, 12:52, More)
» Awesome Sickies
We'll be singing....
I guy I used to work with went out on the lash on a work night with an old friend from the army he hadn't seen in ages. Feeling the worse for wear in the morning and remembering that he hadn't told the boss about his plans the day before, he tried to pull a sickie. Unbeknownst to him he had knocked on the bosses door at 3am whilst twatted and serenaded him with army songs (he lived in the same apartment complex). The boss reminded him of this and he arrived at work 20 minutes later to the cheers of staff and managers alike.
(Wed 14th Jun 2006, 16:17, More)
We'll be singing....
I guy I used to work with went out on the lash on a work night with an old friend from the army he hadn't seen in ages. Feeling the worse for wear in the morning and remembering that he hadn't told the boss about his plans the day before, he tried to pull a sickie. Unbeknownst to him he had knocked on the bosses door at 3am whilst twatted and serenaded him with army songs (he lived in the same apartment complex). The boss reminded him of this and he arrived at work 20 minutes later to the cheers of staff and managers alike.
(Wed 14th Jun 2006, 16:17, More)