Profile for plentyofants:
some more:
alex-line, modzilla-vs-gothra, new-look-gorgeous, fattorygirl, roflanimalhospital, glum-dos-millionaire, sweet-dreams-mylax, one-male-ho, emmeline-spankhurt, ogrady-snakebite, karyn-matheus, sith-flick, rothko-195, photo-shop-thom, britneys-pears, obama-change, irate-carribean, keegannuclear, ryderwookies, bourbontreat, longsentences, aldi&george, voidingthetush, vordy, e-wall, karadzorville, laneclosure, adversecamembert, chekhovgnops, uhuragnops, oodfellas, greatsealcull, mini-taur, babymorrissey, weftdrive, partilympics, northernbirds, dianakhan, chesilbeach, crabsnax, donniesarko, planetoftheapis, sornfourthjuly, pargames, barman, viewtoamill, steed, ritasuerobtoo, ritasuepobtoo, coldfountain, redblacksatin, georgebest, birthdaydreamnation, deathinvegas, catpower, theb3taband, zebracow, beachfight, angrybeast, minimaldinosaur, snes, des, flutters, dailymailschool, corrbigmouth, stephenhawkwing, moobawards, talkingtocheeses, thegoldenaga, harrybirds, phallusc, minkpoon, cathead, sailonmonday, missengland, cometomaddie, johnwaynesworld, desperatesusan, jimhackers, alvinstardust, tommyknockers, werewinehouse, leavingjohnnyvegas, aidsbegone, demosthenes, dinosaurspissing, shambojambo, noel, yiffalo, goodnewsnecronomicon, drivingmisspiggy, nevercryrowlf, pointbeaker, invalidargument, 4004yearsbc, erasmusjordan, lagarethomas, h&mtoucher, kellogstopparts, pilotsofthecaribbean, lioneltonyblair, pielattes3, pielattes2, pielattes1, gaffneyandceleste, actionfarinelli, dalekkahn, backtruss, tarbuckscoffee, mansfieldpark, singemensonge, cardinalzinger, pigmills, drugscharacters, xenophobicdrugs, fonzhoover, rockybiloba, stretchtortoise, fucksocks, catchthesars, dirtywolves, brigagoon, electron, kia-ora, jamonjamonstersinc, shiteteeth, arsebiscuits, droogiehowser, vidorpobs, lenore, iainbanksy, shilpawhitened, blackthomyorke, swanvest, optimusprimrose, swarmwrestling, bronzeterror, cameronhoodieanim, cameronhoodieswap, thatchue, catandpolice, funkytory, kittysnake, leopardseal, mancasino, attensqueeze, pobfear, chat, camp
these were proper shite:
has-nae-moo, jersey-shore, nobus, unclesamsmintballs, huge-marine, wichita-linesman, wish-you-were-squirrel, elvis-levis, lolcat-christmas, bacon-crabs, oh-deer, tnt-recreate, dunwoody-gnops, folkestone-horse, erection-results, iceland-katona, darling-stripclub, least-famous-floyd, tim-murray, richard-inscrutable, radcliffe-virginity, ontheedge, b3tancock, bushpope, buttonmoon, flyingsolo, xmasdinnercrab, thatcherintherye, hillarytribute, blazingsaddoes, craddie, clearandpresentmanger, puntforredoctober, howtolookgooeynaked, iamlegend, philspectre, newyoungponyclub, greenday, nadasurf, magazine, greyhamcockson, gramparsons, tinatuna, nickdrake, beattiescombine, css, brighteyes, artbrut, portishead, bellendsebastian, halfmanhalfbiscuit, thestrokes, vojtaran, divingeagle, tabletcdc, ilovetransforminghorses, brandarling, thenorks, lossytshirt, muppetrabies, theperl, eljueves, fuzzysheriff, tempwebsites, furtivearguido, xerxesdapper, magentagherkin, bajwamonkeys, bbccuts, menziespicture, goodbyemrchimps, margaretnelson, nelsoncookies, winehoushite, hisco, bumstopper, pigstreet, langhamalarm, herows, goldilocksbears, mistermagenta, creationistrubbish, billygoatse, smalltall, pigtrouble, airowlf, tescovalueet, charliefags, gingerrise, jesustrolley, pharmascream, huggyobear, svensglory, mystole, nuclearwessels, queenwhitehouse, tescovaluewandbagon, tescovaluelotswife, tescovaluecreamegg, dudrogernun, stwayneunfinished, adidasababa, adidasababa2, adidasababa3, littlemissandry, croctosser, goatsehamanim, goatseham, thisisvarta, walesinlondon, walesinlondonfull, nogloy,
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- a member for 18 years, 11 months and 25 days
- it's my b3ta birthday in 5 days
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- has posted 0 messages on the talk board
- has posted 35 messages on the links board
- (including 3 links)
- has posted 4 stories and 21 replies on question of the week
- They liked 6435 pictures, 11 links, 0 talk posts, and 43 qotw answers. [RSS feed]
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some more:
alex-line, modzilla-vs-gothra, new-look-gorgeous, fattorygirl, roflanimalhospital, glum-dos-millionaire, sweet-dreams-mylax, one-male-ho, emmeline-spankhurt, ogrady-snakebite, karyn-matheus, sith-flick, rothko-195, photo-shop-thom, britneys-pears, obama-change, irate-carribean, keegannuclear, ryderwookies, bourbontreat, longsentences, aldi&george, voidingthetush, vordy, e-wall, karadzorville, laneclosure, adversecamembert, chekhovgnops, uhuragnops, oodfellas, greatsealcull, mini-taur, babymorrissey, weftdrive, partilympics, northernbirds, dianakhan, chesilbeach, crabsnax, donniesarko, planetoftheapis, sornfourthjuly, pargames, barman, viewtoamill, steed, ritasuerobtoo, ritasuepobtoo, coldfountain, redblacksatin, georgebest, birthdaydreamnation, deathinvegas, catpower, theb3taband, zebracow, beachfight, angrybeast, minimaldinosaur, snes, des, flutters, dailymailschool, corrbigmouth, stephenhawkwing, moobawards, talkingtocheeses, thegoldenaga, harrybirds, phallusc, minkpoon, cathead, sailonmonday, missengland, cometomaddie, johnwaynesworld, desperatesusan, jimhackers, alvinstardust, tommyknockers, werewinehouse, leavingjohnnyvegas, aidsbegone, demosthenes, dinosaurspissing, shambojambo, noel, yiffalo, goodnewsnecronomicon, drivingmisspiggy, nevercryrowlf, pointbeaker, invalidargument, 4004yearsbc, erasmusjordan, lagarethomas, h&mtoucher, kellogstopparts, pilotsofthecaribbean, lioneltonyblair, pielattes3, pielattes2, pielattes1, gaffneyandceleste, actionfarinelli, dalekkahn, backtruss, tarbuckscoffee, mansfieldpark, singemensonge, cardinalzinger, pigmills, drugscharacters, xenophobicdrugs, fonzhoover, rockybiloba, stretchtortoise, fucksocks, catchthesars, dirtywolves, brigagoon, electron, kia-ora, jamonjamonstersinc, shiteteeth, arsebiscuits, droogiehowser, vidorpobs, lenore, iainbanksy, shilpawhitened, blackthomyorke, swanvest, optimusprimrose, swarmwrestling, bronzeterror, cameronhoodieanim, cameronhoodieswap, thatchue, catandpolice, funkytory, kittysnake, leopardseal, mancasino, attensqueeze, pobfear, chat, camp
these were proper shite:
has-nae-moo, jersey-shore, nobus, unclesamsmintballs, huge-marine, wichita-linesman, wish-you-were-squirrel, elvis-levis, lolcat-christmas, bacon-crabs, oh-deer, tnt-recreate, dunwoody-gnops, folkestone-horse, erection-results, iceland-katona, darling-stripclub, least-famous-floyd, tim-murray, richard-inscrutable, radcliffe-virginity, ontheedge, b3tancock, bushpope, buttonmoon, flyingsolo, xmasdinnercrab, thatcherintherye, hillarytribute, blazingsaddoes, craddie, clearandpresentmanger, puntforredoctober, howtolookgooeynaked, iamlegend, philspectre, newyoungponyclub, greenday, nadasurf, magazine, greyhamcockson, gramparsons, tinatuna, nickdrake, beattiescombine, css, brighteyes, artbrut, portishead, bellendsebastian, halfmanhalfbiscuit, thestrokes, vojtaran, divingeagle, tabletcdc, ilovetransforminghorses, brandarling, thenorks, lossytshirt, muppetrabies, theperl, eljueves, fuzzysheriff, tempwebsites, furtivearguido, xerxesdapper, magentagherkin, bajwamonkeys, bbccuts, menziespicture, goodbyemrchimps, margaretnelson, nelsoncookies, winehoushite, hisco, bumstopper, pigstreet, langhamalarm, herows, goldilocksbears, mistermagenta, creationistrubbish, billygoatse, smalltall, pigtrouble, airowlf, tescovalueet, charliefags, gingerrise, jesustrolley, pharmascream, huggyobear, svensglory, mystole, nuclearwessels, queenwhitehouse, tescovaluewandbagon, tescovaluelotswife, tescovaluecreamegg, dudrogernun, stwayneunfinished, adidasababa, adidasababa2, adidasababa3, littlemissandry, croctosser, goatsehamanim, goatseham, thisisvarta, walesinlondon, walesinlondonfull, nogloy,
Recent front page messages:
the problem with falling asleep pissed on the tube
is you can end up stranded at the end of the line

(Fri 21st Sep 2007, 17:52, More)
is you can end up stranded at the end of the line

(Fri 21st Sep 2007, 17:52, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Accidental animal cruelty
i killed george, the family tortoise
well, i think i did. encountered it one day on the garden path during my five year old wanderings and wondered "what happens if you tip these things upside down?". so i tried, it rolled off down the slope and into some bushes and i wandered off, bored now.
it was never seen again. i admitted my part in its disappearance a few days later, suggesting it may have 'run off'. as tortoises do
(Fri 7th Dec 2007, 18:33, More)
i killed george, the family tortoise
well, i think i did. encountered it one day on the garden path during my five year old wanderings and wondered "what happens if you tip these things upside down?". so i tried, it rolled off down the slope and into some bushes and i wandered off, bored now.
it was never seen again. i admitted my part in its disappearance a few days later, suggesting it may have 'run off'. as tortoises do
(Fri 7th Dec 2007, 18:33, More)
» Best Graffiti Ever
the pleasant spa town of leamington
has some of the most whimsical graffiti of anywhere. when i lived there a few years ago, its gems included:
(massive black letters on the front of the station);
a series of time updates ending at 4.19am with the eminently sensible
and, painted on a pavement
(this one trailed off at the end, so you wondered if the author ever made it to his destination);
(Thu 3rd May 2007, 18:41, More)
the pleasant spa town of leamington
has some of the most whimsical graffiti of anywhere. when i lived there a few years ago, its gems included:
(massive black letters on the front of the station);
a series of time updates ending at 4.19am with the eminently sensible
and, painted on a pavement
(this one trailed off at the end, so you wondered if the author ever made it to his destination);
(Thu 3rd May 2007, 18:41, More)