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» When were you last really scared?
Army Boot Camp
During army boot camp in Singapore, we were sent offshore to an island off the coast of the mainland for 4 months to train.
The island, called Pulau Tekong is supposed to be extremely haunted and is a local legend for hauntings of all sorts.
My bed in the 13 men bunk was right next to the window, so the tropical jungle was directly to my left. Needless to say, i always slept facing away from the window.
One particular night, i was tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep when i heard this blood curdling cough. It was coming from the left side of me. The cough seemed to go on and on forever, worsening until it became a really sore hoarse roar like sound. You cannot even start to imagine the fear that shot through me. Going into a fetal position under the thin blanket, i stayed under it for the whole night, sweating and praying.
There were other happenings during those 4 months. Dog tag clinking sounds with no wind, screams at night, sighting of female figures etc. But nothing could beat that first experience.
(Sat 24th Feb 2007, 16:13, More)
Army Boot Camp
During army boot camp in Singapore, we were sent offshore to an island off the coast of the mainland for 4 months to train.
The island, called Pulau Tekong is supposed to be extremely haunted and is a local legend for hauntings of all sorts.
My bed in the 13 men bunk was right next to the window, so the tropical jungle was directly to my left. Needless to say, i always slept facing away from the window.
One particular night, i was tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep when i heard this blood curdling cough. It was coming from the left side of me. The cough seemed to go on and on forever, worsening until it became a really sore hoarse roar like sound. You cannot even start to imagine the fear that shot through me. Going into a fetal position under the thin blanket, i stayed under it for the whole night, sweating and praying.
There were other happenings during those 4 months. Dog tag clinking sounds with no wind, screams at night, sighting of female figures etc. But nothing could beat that first experience.
(Sat 24th Feb 2007, 16:13, More)
» The Weird Kid In Class
Weirdo and his twin brother
There was this kid in my primary 5 class...with a slight IQ deficiency who would talk weird and sing weird songs to himself. News also got out that his mom still cleans his butt after he does his business in the toilet. God knows why he ended up in 'normal' primary school.
Anyways, he had an elder twin brother who was an equal nutter but got retained a year for failing his exams. We would trash younger weirdo around until his elder brother came to his rescue and then trash him as well. What horrible, horrible kids we were.
We parted ways and about 2 years ago, i read in the newspaper that elder weirdo knifed somebody 14 times in the middle of a crowded shopping mall for pranks the victim said to him about 4 years before the incident. He was sent to the asylum for schizophrenia.
I wonder when it'll be my turn :)
(Tue 23rd Jan 2007, 6:53, More)
Weirdo and his twin brother
There was this kid in my primary 5 class...with a slight IQ deficiency who would talk weird and sing weird songs to himself. News also got out that his mom still cleans his butt after he does his business in the toilet. God knows why he ended up in 'normal' primary school.
Anyways, he had an elder twin brother who was an equal nutter but got retained a year for failing his exams. We would trash younger weirdo around until his elder brother came to his rescue and then trash him as well. What horrible, horrible kids we were.
We parted ways and about 2 years ago, i read in the newspaper that elder weirdo knifed somebody 14 times in the middle of a crowded shopping mall for pranks the victim said to him about 4 years before the incident. He was sent to the asylum for schizophrenia.
I wonder when it'll be my turn :)
(Tue 23rd Jan 2007, 6:53, More)
» Useless advice
Military trained...ain't gonna help you escape!
Living in Singapore, where we have the national service draft of 2 years for all Singaporean 18 years old male citizens...
I was concripted in the middle of this year to a godforsaken island off the coast for 4 months basic military training. 0530 reveille...countless of water drinking parades...10 days of living in the wet tropical jungle...that sort of things.
After those 4 months, i felt a bit indestructable, having survived sergeants wrath and all the rest of the stuff they threw our way...i wanted to be treated like a MAN!
But was not to would dispense with advise must drink more water...don't come back too late...can you handle yourself for 2 days with me going overseas...can you remember to close the windows...please keep the house clean...
Gets on me bloody nerves...sometimes i think they should join the army as Sergeant Majors.
(Thu 19th Oct 2006, 15:22, More)
Military trained...ain't gonna help you escape!
Living in Singapore, where we have the national service draft of 2 years for all Singaporean 18 years old male citizens...
I was concripted in the middle of this year to a godforsaken island off the coast for 4 months basic military training. 0530 reveille...countless of water drinking parades...10 days of living in the wet tropical jungle...that sort of things.
After those 4 months, i felt a bit indestructable, having survived sergeants wrath and all the rest of the stuff they threw our way...i wanted to be treated like a MAN!
But was not to would dispense with advise must drink more water...don't come back too late...can you handle yourself for 2 days with me going overseas...can you remember to close the windows...please keep the house clean...
Gets on me bloody nerves...sometimes i think they should join the army as Sergeant Majors.
(Thu 19th Oct 2006, 15:22, More)
» Teenage Parties
Just a 2 men night
to celebrate the end of the semester. I headed over to my mates house at around 9pm and we opened a 1L bottle of duty free barcadi. The night began with barcadi and 7-up which was complemented with a packet of Marlboros.
We finished the whole bottle in 45 mins and damn i tell u, it was the worse powershit drunk night ever. At around 10 i could feel the first wave of vomit coming so i threw up in his parents toilet. It was the watery kinda vomit which tasted sweet from the 7-up mix. All i could hear after that was my mate saying..."Dun move around! Just sit still and don't let the blood circulate then you'll be alright"
Stupid suggestion cause everytime i tried sitting down i got the balls shrinking feeling that you get when a car accelerates fast and had to throw up. Threw up about 10 times which lasted about 30 minutes, and the climax of the night was definitely the scene in which i was puking into the toilet bowl and my mate was puking into the sink which was about 5cm away from my face. (Hes' was red with bits of food in it)
We then proceeded to his room and put on some Pink Floyd in an attempt to get the "psychedelic feel" which failed miserably as we were too whacked out for that. More puking and then a 14 hour comatose sleep.
Damn i gotta do this again soon!
(Wed 19th Apr 2006, 12:20, More)
Just a 2 men night
to celebrate the end of the semester. I headed over to my mates house at around 9pm and we opened a 1L bottle of duty free barcadi. The night began with barcadi and 7-up which was complemented with a packet of Marlboros.
We finished the whole bottle in 45 mins and damn i tell u, it was the worse powershit drunk night ever. At around 10 i could feel the first wave of vomit coming so i threw up in his parents toilet. It was the watery kinda vomit which tasted sweet from the 7-up mix. All i could hear after that was my mate saying..."Dun move around! Just sit still and don't let the blood circulate then you'll be alright"
Stupid suggestion cause everytime i tried sitting down i got the balls shrinking feeling that you get when a car accelerates fast and had to throw up. Threw up about 10 times which lasted about 30 minutes, and the climax of the night was definitely the scene in which i was puking into the toilet bowl and my mate was puking into the sink which was about 5cm away from my face. (Hes' was red with bits of food in it)
We then proceeded to his room and put on some Pink Floyd in an attempt to get the "psychedelic feel" which failed miserably as we were too whacked out for that. More puking and then a 14 hour comatose sleep.
Damn i gotta do this again soon!
(Wed 19th Apr 2006, 12:20, More)
» Bullies
I was the bully
I was never the tough guy, being below average in sports and average in all subjects bar English. I was the 'fringe' man in the group of cool kids and were great friends with the 'tier 2' boys in school. It can be said that i was the epitome of average.
This story happened in primary school. There were a pair of twin brothers who were...mongish, but not totally so. They obviously had a lower than average IQ and were just 'weird'. One of them was in my class and the other one was next door. I took a liking into bullying the one in my class, constantly hitting him and generally making his life miserable. Of course, i was not the only one doing the bullying and other 'cooler' kids dished it out worse, but i still feel bad to this day. His elder twin would always stand up for the younger brother, going into a kung fu stance which usually ended up with him being on the floor with a bloody nose. Soon, we graduated and went to different secondary schools.
Anyway, fast forward to 12 years later. I was browsing through the newspapers that day when i saw a familiar name. It was the elder twin. He had stabbed a guy 17 times with a flick knife in the middle of a crowded mall. Apparently the victim had been his primary bully in secondary school. He was later diagnosed with schizophrenia and was put in the mad house. Quite frankly, if he had lost the plot in primary school i think i wouldn't be here typing this.
(Fri 15th May 2009, 5:47, More)
I was the bully
I was never the tough guy, being below average in sports and average in all subjects bar English. I was the 'fringe' man in the group of cool kids and were great friends with the 'tier 2' boys in school. It can be said that i was the epitome of average.
This story happened in primary school. There were a pair of twin brothers who were...mongish, but not totally so. They obviously had a lower than average IQ and were just 'weird'. One of them was in my class and the other one was next door. I took a liking into bullying the one in my class, constantly hitting him and generally making his life miserable. Of course, i was not the only one doing the bullying and other 'cooler' kids dished it out worse, but i still feel bad to this day. His elder twin would always stand up for the younger brother, going into a kung fu stance which usually ended up with him being on the floor with a bloody nose. Soon, we graduated and went to different secondary schools.
Anyway, fast forward to 12 years later. I was browsing through the newspapers that day when i saw a familiar name. It was the elder twin. He had stabbed a guy 17 times with a flick knife in the middle of a crowded mall. Apparently the victim had been his primary bully in secondary school. He was later diagnosed with schizophrenia and was put in the mad house. Quite frankly, if he had lost the plot in primary school i think i wouldn't be here typing this.
(Fri 15th May 2009, 5:47, More)