b3ta.com user roband
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Profile for roband:
Profile Info:

I'm totally new to picture editing, but I've been enjoying the site from afar for a while, so I decided to have a go.

Currently using PaintShopPro

I hope you like everything I post, if not, then don't tell me, ignorance IS bliss.

Thanks MVP for doing this with my face:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I'm in the conga, thats FoldsFives conga:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And DarkSideOfTheSpoon vectorised me:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Some of the tings i've done so far(most recent at top):

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

first comp entry:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» Voyeurism

Couple or three years ago, about 30 kids from my school all go off on a trip to Longtown. This place is like an activity centre, with hiking, caving and canoeing. We did all this in the first 4 days, and on the last day before we went home they let us go out to the local swimming pool. All was well until we got into the communal changing room.
Who do I find myself standing next to? The oldest, most indimidating and only male teacher on the trip. There I am in the corner, with my towel wrapped round me, trying to discreetly remove my underwear and replace it with my swimshorts.
All sorted now, just need to put all my kit in the lockers. Turn round to check which coins the lockers accept.
"Sir, do these lockers accept 20 pence pie-eeeenis!"
There is was, just hanging there, as he glanced over towards me. Being about 15 this instantly destroyed me inside.
So I turned bright red, looked away and didn't speak to him for the rest of the trip.
Mentioned it to my mates, who still take the piss that I'd seen Mr Ashby's cock.

Length? Let's just say I didn't find him intimidating anymore..
(Tue 16th Oct 2007, 13:16, More)

» Why I was late

the best one has to be
(despite no-one believing it)

ME: well, the clocks went backwards, but i got lashed last night, and didn't change them, but i woke up, and didn't remember that the clocks went backwards and that's why i'm an hour late for school

TEACHER: really?

ME: yeah...

TEACHER(thinking): bollllocks

got away with it though =D
(Thu 28th Jun 2007, 11:13, More)

» Personal Hygiene

My maths teacher
needs to shave her face

not really unhygienic, but why should i be forced to look at lttle wisps of hair on her chin whenever she comes near me?
(Wed 28th Mar 2007, 13:51, More)

» Political Correctness Gone Mad

Xmas PCness
The trailer for the film "The Golden Compass" starring Daniel Craig has the text and vocal "THIS HOLIDAY SEASON!" strewn across the start of it.

Waiiittt... This holiday season? You mean, "THIS CHRISTMAS" surely? No? Wankers..
(Thu 22nd Nov 2007, 20:21, More)