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» Dumb things you've done
Cant believe I´m telng you this
8 or so years ago, when I was in my first "relationship" or whatever you call two horny teenagers having frequent sex (mostly with eachother). One late night I decided to shave my manly parts. A thing I did once in a while to please my then girlfriend.
THis day however, I didnt stop there. I found out that my balls where looking pretty good freshly shaven, and the feeling of smooth skin was also pretty soothing.
So... Push comes to shove, I cover my arse in shavingfoam and start swinging the razor to get a fresh, hairless sexy ass! Works like a charm, for about 1 day...
Well shaved hair tends to grow out, short hair tends to be a bit sharp and hard, buttocks tends to rub against eachother.
to top it off, my then gf laughed at me and I got to walk around like a jockey for the good part of two weeks.
You get the picture, sorry for putting it in your heads.
(Fri 21st Dec 2007, 0:17, More)
Cant believe I´m telng you this
8 or so years ago, when I was in my first "relationship" or whatever you call two horny teenagers having frequent sex (mostly with eachother). One late night I decided to shave my manly parts. A thing I did once in a while to please my then girlfriend.
THis day however, I didnt stop there. I found out that my balls where looking pretty good freshly shaven, and the feeling of smooth skin was also pretty soothing.
So... Push comes to shove, I cover my arse in shavingfoam and start swinging the razor to get a fresh, hairless sexy ass! Works like a charm, for about 1 day...
Well shaved hair tends to grow out, short hair tends to be a bit sharp and hard, buttocks tends to rub against eachother.
to top it off, my then gf laughed at me and I got to walk around like a jockey for the good part of two weeks.
You get the picture, sorry for putting it in your heads.
(Fri 21st Dec 2007, 0:17, More)
» The Credit Crunch
As a student in Norway, I already live below the povertyline, as "all" students in Norway do. The credit crunch has not yet affected me directly. Its harder to find a job, offcourse. And the grocery-prices are skyrocketing. The rental-market for apartments are still high (inflated on could say). I get a scholarship for full time studies of aprox 6400,- nok a month. After paying the rent, the inet, the bus-card and my phone, I'm left with 2000,- nok. This is supposed to cover food, electricity and books for my studies.
2000,- equals 217 GBP. electricy is about 1/4 of this. I really need a job. If im going to be capable of being a full time student.
(Mon 26th Jan 2009, 22:27, More)
As a student in Norway, I already live below the povertyline, as "all" students in Norway do. The credit crunch has not yet affected me directly. Its harder to find a job, offcourse. And the grocery-prices are skyrocketing. The rental-market for apartments are still high (inflated on could say). I get a scholarship for full time studies of aprox 6400,- nok a month. After paying the rent, the inet, the bus-card and my phone, I'm left with 2000,- nok. This is supposed to cover food, electricity and books for my studies.
2000,- equals 217 GBP. electricy is about 1/4 of this. I really need a job. If im going to be capable of being a full time student.
(Mon 26th Jan 2009, 22:27, More)
» Stupid Dares
some 7 years ago when i was 16/17 yo. I was invited to a party(i live in norway) So this was the standard mates home alone, parents house, moonshine party. I had no cash, but wanted to get drunk so a friend brought out an ice tea botle, put a 5-nok coin in it, and told me if I drank half of it I would get the coin and something to drink. Others quickly followed and soon enough there was some 78 nok in there, when the bottle was half empty (tasting really wierd and prolly containing loads of bacteria) someone filled it up with moonshine. I got drunk and sick for free that night.
(Mon 5th Nov 2007, 23:41, More)
some 7 years ago when i was 16/17 yo. I was invited to a party(i live in norway) So this was the standard mates home alone, parents house, moonshine party. I had no cash, but wanted to get drunk so a friend brought out an ice tea botle, put a 5-nok coin in it, and told me if I drank half of it I would get the coin and something to drink. Others quickly followed and soon enough there was some 78 nok in there, when the bottle was half empty (tasting really wierd and prolly containing loads of bacteria) someone filled it up with moonshine. I got drunk and sick for free that night.
(Mon 5th Nov 2007, 23:41, More)
» Political Correctness Gone Mad
This is a tale from Norway
Once in a while, Norway gets its mediafocus in the "big" countries, like England, USA and well basicly any other country where they are sofisticated. (this includes, but is not limited to France)
We give out the Nobel Peace Price. But what do we do in between our brief stays in the media limelight?
Well off lately there has been a big debate in the media, about racism. Where do you draw the line on racism?
Accourding to people who have nothing better to do than to read old (but darn good) childrens books from the sweedish author Astrid Lindgren, you draw it at the word negro. And you draw it in the past. Result? Printing new copies of tons of old childrenbooks where words including negro is written. (he was a negroking iex this particular one was if I remember correctly replaced with a norwegian word for Southernsea-king)
Now I know that colour of skin is a very sensetive issue. (and a very confusing one, counting all the Wangsters and Wiggers at my school, but I shall not be racist against them due to theyre lack of pigment(its not theyre fault they where born white) If you want to be black, be black.)
But as I am white, my brother is black, and my sister is half-pakistanian, I my self is no rasist. But I do draw the line when we start removing the freedom of speech from authors that are long gone, in boks where the word is used in a positive way etc.
Lenght: My brother is 184 cm
*edit: Hey I feel its like saying: He´s got glasses or his hair is red. But the generation older then me seems to think that its a serious harasment.
(Mon 26th Nov 2007, 23:25, More)
This is a tale from Norway
Once in a while, Norway gets its mediafocus in the "big" countries, like England, USA and well basicly any other country where they are sofisticated. (this includes, but is not limited to France)
We give out the Nobel Peace Price. But what do we do in between our brief stays in the media limelight?
Well off lately there has been a big debate in the media, about racism. Where do you draw the line on racism?
Accourding to people who have nothing better to do than to read old (but darn good) childrens books from the sweedish author Astrid Lindgren, you draw it at the word negro. And you draw it in the past. Result? Printing new copies of tons of old childrenbooks where words including negro is written. (he was a negroking iex this particular one was if I remember correctly replaced with a norwegian word for Southernsea-king)
Now I know that colour of skin is a very sensetive issue. (and a very confusing one, counting all the Wangsters and Wiggers at my school, but I shall not be racist against them due to theyre lack of pigment(its not theyre fault they where born white) If you want to be black, be black.)
But as I am white, my brother is black, and my sister is half-pakistanian, I my self is no rasist. But I do draw the line when we start removing the freedom of speech from authors that are long gone, in boks where the word is used in a positive way etc.
Lenght: My brother is 184 cm
*edit: Hey I feel its like saying: He´s got glasses or his hair is red. But the generation older then me seems to think that its a serious harasment.
(Mon 26th Nov 2007, 23:25, More)
» I'm going to Hell...
Damnation forever
I have broken or bent my fair share of the big 10.
1. I dont realy believe in the ol' man.
2. I swear, sometimes.
3. Sundays pay the most.
4. I realy realy hate my mother.
5. Does roadkill count?
6. Busted, but i think my then GF punished me enough.
7. Broke this one as a mini-me.
8. Talked shit about someone. Check.
9. Envy your new car? Your new apt? Your cell?
10. Does this include a GF?
Well. 9 out of 10 aint bad. Guess you got to break em all to go to hell? No. See your sweet ass there.
(Tue 16th Dec 2008, 3:38, More)
Damnation forever
I have broken or bent my fair share of the big 10.
1. I dont realy believe in the ol' man.
2. I swear, sometimes.
3. Sundays pay the most.
4. I realy realy hate my mother.
5. Does roadkill count?
6. Busted, but i think my then GF punished me enough.
7. Broke this one as a mini-me.
8. Talked shit about someone. Check.
9. Envy your new car? Your new apt? Your cell?
10. Does this include a GF?
Well. 9 out of 10 aint bad. Guess you got to break em all to go to hell? No. See your sweet ass there.
(Tue 16th Dec 2008, 3:38, More)