b3ta.com user WelcomeToCopehagen
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» Festivals

Bitter not sweet symphony
Way back at a Swedish festival me and my mates were playing this verve game in which one person walks ahead bumping into people while the others walk behind whisteling "Bitter Sweet Symphony".
Stupid, yes, but especially funny if the friend doing the "walk" is so small that he bounces off everyone he tries to bump.

This led to two head butting accidents, one with a cute girl that took it like a man and one with a grown man that started crying like a girl.

I don't think he found our appoligies sincere since we were cracking up seeing this bloke being comforted by his mate like a small child.
(Tue 9th Jun 2009, 8:43, More)

» Festivals

One year at the Hultsfred festival in Sweden I decided to write down peoples names on my arm with a sharpie since I knew my memory wouldn't be able to store it anyways. I woke up the next morning with most of my body covered in names. It felt a bit like that movie Memento.
When I ventured outside the tent it seemed that I "knew" most people on that part of camp and every "Do I know you?" from me was countered by a "sure you do" *pointing at their name on my body* by them plus a story about some drunken mischeif I'd been up to.
Also: permanent marker on skin during summer is the recipe for an ugly ass tan.
(Fri 5th Jun 2009, 12:58, More)