b3ta.com user trimprop
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Recent front page messages:

At last, a breakthru'

(Fri 24th Jan 2003, 10:09, More)

Best answers to questions:

» Never Meet Your Heroes

In defence...
Ok, I know it's counter to the question, but sometimes heros can be all you wanted...

...I used to work at London Zoo, and we had loads of celebs in (good, bad, indifferent). But one...

Johnny Morris - Animal Magic - came in several times to do film work. On one occasion he was running early, so we sat him down in our office and he began to chat - about all the things he'd done around the world, he even did the voices of the animals! I was 10 again, fascinated by a man who gave a camel a nasal whine!

Later on, I walked him across the main area, past the staff canteen - glued to the window were some of the UK's most eminent scientists -many of whom cited him as one of the reasons for becoming an animal scientist in the first place.

However, the postscript - one of the keepers spotted two cans of larger in his briefcase as he was waiting to leave...
(Thu 25th May 2006, 14:33, More)