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- a member for 15 years, 0 months and 7 days
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» Foot in Mouth Syndrome II
Video Conferences
Great, if you're in far flung places and all need to catch up or discuss projects etc. However, up until last week, I'd never added more people into the conversation, it was just the client and me.
So we're ploughing through the to-do list when she (and this is important) recommends adding her colleague into the conversation.
"Not a problem, let's see if this works," says I, "I've never done a three way before" just as her colleague, of super model looks, pops up in the screen.
Not even a hole punch sized hole opened up, gah.
(Thu 16th Aug 2012, 15:54, More)
Video Conferences
Great, if you're in far flung places and all need to catch up or discuss projects etc. However, up until last week, I'd never added more people into the conversation, it was just the client and me.
So we're ploughing through the to-do list when she (and this is important) recommends adding her colleague into the conversation.
"Not a problem, let's see if this works," says I, "I've never done a three way before" just as her colleague, of super model looks, pops up in the screen.
Not even a hole punch sized hole opened up, gah.
(Thu 16th Aug 2012, 15:54, More)
» Annoying words and phrases
Well, there seems to be an absence of a certain ornithological piece...
A headline regarding mass awareness of a certain avian variety...
I really can't stand that song, and now it's going to be in your heads too for the rest of the day, sorry!
(Tue 13th Apr 2010, 6:43, More)
Well, there seems to be an absence of a certain ornithological piece...
A headline regarding mass awareness of a certain avian variety...
I really can't stand that song, and now it's going to be in your heads too for the rest of the day, sorry!
(Tue 13th Apr 2010, 6:43, More)
» Annoying words and phrases
Disks! CDs! and other types of media...
All get called, by a certain generation... "tapes"
Get a CD software update from Sage? "Just upload the tapes for Sage would you?"
It gets better... There's no such thing as a USB memory stick. No. It's a "Saving Pen"
There's more of these, I just can't remember them right now... meh!
(Mon 12th Apr 2010, 12:34, More)
Disks! CDs! and other types of media...
All get called, by a certain generation... "tapes"
Get a CD software update from Sage? "Just upload the tapes for Sage would you?"
It gets better... There's no such thing as a USB memory stick. No. It's a "Saving Pen"
There's more of these, I just can't remember them right now... meh!
(Mon 12th Apr 2010, 12:34, More)
» Annoying words and phrases
'I'll just diarise that for next week then'
No, stick it in the diary, make an entry in the calendar or send me an invite mongchops, stop inventing words!
(Thu 8th Apr 2010, 22:30, More)
'I'll just diarise that for next week then'
No, stick it in the diary, make an entry in the calendar or send me an invite mongchops, stop inventing words!
(Thu 8th Apr 2010, 22:30, More)