poncefest error
if they started in 1983, wouldn't the fifth convention be in... 1987?
unless that's part of the dyslexia?
smashing t-shirt, though. i might well buy one
plentyofants more ghee, vicar?,
Wed 18 Aug 2010, 12:57,
good point!
darn it
c_kick or, as some people call him,
Wed 18 Aug 2010, 13:47,
They took a breather year
in 1986 when the organisers mis-spelt their own names on the plane tickets and the airlines wouldn't let them travel.
Scary Dave,
Thu 19 Aug 2010, 12:09,
I like to think
That their fifth annual convention would be in 1979
salty_sea_dog Pillaging since 1886. Oh, and "Yahaarrrr" as well.,
Fri 20 Aug 2010, 0:41,