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# Cheers matey
it's amazing what a lack of sleep will drive you to doing.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2004, 11:18, archived)
# Lack of sleep
usually drives me to sleep...eventually.
How are you matey?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2004, 11:21, archived)
# Good
but lacking in attention span for anything productive and I have been for about a fortnight. I could do with some of my clients paying me though... They're in a rush to get the work but no-one's ever in a hurry to pay for it. Bastages. How're you? Still switchboarding?
(, Wed 7 Jan 2004, 11:25, archived)
# Yep,
I've been meaning to do some Flash stuff for ages, but I have no Idea what to do.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2004, 11:29, archived)
# Flamingos on pogo sticks.
It's always a winner.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2004, 11:31, archived)
# Heh,
I want to do a talky one...I just need to think of something funny.
(, Wed 7 Jan 2004, 11:35, archived)