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# I am sorry
I think I have found the line. Sometimes I am a bit mean - sorry chaps.
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 8:11, archived)
# that the spirit
the old british stiff upper lip...
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 8:11, archived)
# it's fine... we still love you
and I'm sure the line will randomly wave in a confusing way.
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 8:13, archived)
# if I find
a disfigured adult can we fix his/her face. We could all play doctor and see who does the best job. Pleaseee? Please please please? It need not be a disfigured face, maybe a missing limb that we convincingly replace or something.
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 8:15, archived)
# simon weston's
suppoed to be a bit of a bastard in real life - so how about that?
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 8:17, archived)
# Richard Littlejohn
How about convincingly remove limbs from a pic of him and make him look like he is in as much pain as humanly possible? hehehe
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 8:20, archived)
# what about
a spanish inquisition style torture job? With racks and thumbscrews and.. and.. and..
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 8:23, archived)
# rob is actually waving in a confusing way...
i think it might be semaphore...
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 8:27, archived)
# I have
lost my momentum on this one, maybe we best not play doctor after all.

(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 8:33, archived)
# are you a doctor?
is someone on this board a doctor? I'm sure someone said they were and despite my love of lab coats here shown, I think it's not me.
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 8:39, archived)
# I was once
a surgeon

But I partied too hard and got struck off
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 8:44, archived)
# ohhhhhhhhh I saw that pic of you
and thought you were a doctor. Goddamn i am thicker than i thought.
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 9:25, archived)
# That's a great lab coat
Can I have one?
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 8:49, archived)
# My friend
and I spent hours making them. I could send you the pattern if you want to have a go.
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 9:17, archived)
# What? Make it?
My sewing machine's on the blink..
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 9:31, archived)
# that is a shame
I could send you mine if you like. I don't know where I put it though.
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 9:36, archived)
# That's okay
'I can get a hold of real ones easy enough..
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 9:42, archived)
# really
I would love a real one.
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 10:04, archived)
# What would you like?
Theatre gear, lab coat, nurses uniform...
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 10:16, archived)
# I would really like
the theatre gear, I also want some of that soap that turns everything yellow. Oh to be as clean as a surgeon.
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 10:40, archived)
# That's betadine
It's iodine - you can probably buy it. Stains like hell though...
I'm off work at the minute but when I go back (jan) I'll think of you...
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 11:14, archived)
# i saw a man on the bus last night with k9
the dog. He had glowing eyes and everything. I REALLY wanted to talk to the person that made it but was just too shy.
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 9:37, archived)
# You disappoint me
I imagine you as a party, talk to anyone animal
It was the dog who had the flashing eyes??
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 9:45, archived)
# no, twas the man that had flashing eyes
that's why i was scared to talk to him. I thought i might be hipnotised and he might take me away and i might never see my family or computer again.
I was tired too.
Lets face it, normallly I'd go home with anyone for a fiver.
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 9:56, archived)
# I can see now why you were scared
You were right not to talk to a man with flashing eyes. It could all have ended very nastily..
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 10:05, archived)
# oh the horror
of the cats with flashing eyes. Bad cats, all lined up peeping at you.
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 10:15, archived)
# yes, lets stick to what we know...

Men fighting off kamikaze deer!
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 8:45, archived)
# is that
terry nutkins showing off again?
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 8:48, archived)
# I think this is
Terry Nutkins showing off.
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 8:56, archived)
# fuck
that is funny.
(, Thu 1 Nov 2001, 9:03, archived)