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I'm definitely coming
Slim has found god. He was down the back of the sofa. ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 18:52,
archived )
good good
i know of a certain kitten who'll be pleased to see you (she spends much time cooing at your gallery)
100% of Gibbon ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 18:54,
archived )
See you both tomorrow then
Right, I'm off to see Peter Kay now.
Slim has found god. He was down the back of the sofa. ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 18:59,
archived )
I have the rest of the year off work now,
until January 6th. Do you think I should go to the Christmas party? Is it tomorrow?
Lukasm ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:00,
archived )
Yeah - go
The last party was good. Don't worry about not knowing people, everyone's friendly, and most people are in the same boat.
Slim has found god. He was down the back of the sofa. ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:03,
archived )
Will there be any
nice looking ladies at the party or just assorted geeks without computers, who are never an appealing group?
Lukasm ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:09,
archived )
I've said it once before, but it bears repeating:
b3ta chicks are hot. And that is a FACT.
Baz Fuck off ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:11,
archived )
it's true,
not single though...
rogan ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:13,
archived )
hey i'm single!
dunno if i'd count as hot though
evil pixie ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:41,
archived )
See below! (And above)
Baz Fuck off ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:44,
archived )
pardon me :)
rogan ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 20:09,
archived )
I only just logged on and already go a compliment! ta!
Batsgirl ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:13,
archived )
from discussion
further down the board, it's clear that's not true when it comes to those of us built for comfort not speed :o( (not that I'm single anyway, but still...)
Jadeviper was still alive on ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:15,
archived )
Didn't you hear me?
I said it's a FACT. In CAPITAL LETTERS. 100% FACT. So we'll have less of that from you. If you're a b3tan and a girl, you're hot by definition .
Baz Fuck off ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:18,
archived )
in that case
you've made my evening :o)
Jadeviper was still alive on ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:21,
archived )
i shall, of course,
be pointing this thread out to a certain person when she gets in from the pub.
100% of Gibbon ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:21,
archived )
Could you send me that
in e-mail so I can show all my not-net friends?
Batsgirl ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:22,
archived )
you have friends
that aren't on the net? wow!
Jadeviper was still alive on ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:26,
archived )
Oh hell yes
I've only had a modem for a week or so you see. That's why I don't post pics yet. I will one day though.
Batsgirl ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:28,
archived )
on entering our world. It's a slippery slope, but an enjoyable ride. Looking forward to seeing what you've got hidden away in your imagination.
Jadeviper was still alive on ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:34,
archived )
that is all.
crouchingbadger ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 20:13,
archived )
I did think
fnar as I wrote that :o)
Jadeviper was still alive on ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 20:33,
archived )
Most definitely.
1 in particular. And that is 100% Of Fact.
100% of Gibbon ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:19,
archived )
Which one?
*stirring like a bugger*
Batsgirl ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:23,
archived )
my other half. I thought this was common knowledge?
100% of Gibbon ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:25,
archived )
there will be
one particularly gorgeous girl going - but she's only four months old.
Jadeviper was still alive on ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:12,
archived )
Probably not
a computer addict then
Batsgirl ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:16,
archived )
she started early
she loves playing with the keyboard and had her own website and hotmail account before she was born. The sound of typing settles her to sleep too :o)
Jadeviper was still alive on ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:19,
archived )
My own future
unrolls before me...
Batsgirl ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:21,
archived )
in a boat?
its really going to rock then...
Captain Nostril ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:18,
archived )
tomorrow night, sah.
flyer on the front page, yada yada yada.
100% of Gibbon ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:03,
archived )
I think
rogan ,
Wed 18 Dec 2002, 19:04,
archived )
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