like a hyena shaped possum being tickled by a fringed pelmet.
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:38,

6 dice showing 6? Oh that's so Yahtzee
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:58,
6 dice showing 6? Oh that's so Yahtzee

oh that's so Chassiss.
The alcholic juice of the blackcurrant,
Oh thats so Cassis.
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 15:01,
The alcholic juice of the blackcurrant,
Oh thats so Cassis.

last word freak is it?
i think i heard it snap back there somewhere anyway
french harbour? that's so calais!
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 15:01,
i think i heard it snap back there somewhere anyway
french harbour? that's so calais!

you can guess the rest. Time for a ncotaasd. With crisps.
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:57,

nether-region itching? That's so pessary.
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:48,

you know.......that...........doofer?
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:50,

that's a good name for the thingamgig...
running out of names for yokes now
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:53,
running out of names for yokes now

flux capacitor
wiffle valve
giggle pin
fornicating baboon
not sure about the last one
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 15:16,
wiffle valve
giggle pin
fornicating baboon
not sure about the last one

ordinary valance or a fringed one?
Australian birds do have a certain, special, something. Long legs, good for wading.
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:45,
Australian birds do have a certain, special, something. Long legs, good for wading.

that a valance on a window in a vicar's office might be a Holy valance.
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 15:17,

"a decorative heading to conceal curtain fixtures at the top of a window casing"
so yes, a dead funny sounding valance
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:44,
so yes, a dead funny sounding valance

sorry, can't remember
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:58,

I dont want em to get away, I wanna KEEP EM!"
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:38,

i want to attach them to a big piece of elastic
/bad memory for quotes
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:40,
/bad memory for quotes

/i know, i know, can't be grate all the time you bubble bursting bastard you :)
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:45,

Yeah, I knew that! Haha you're soooo stoopid I bet you cant even spell missisisisssisppi!
*walks into lampost*
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:48,
*walks into lampost*

walked into a lampost whilst laughing at a cross-eyed girl.
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 15:00,

if so, that would be GREAT karma
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 15:03,

become buddha, having seen the error of his ways for larfing at the boss-eyed girl?
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 15:19,

like I like my coffee....covered in bees.
back off back off back off back off...aaaaaaargh
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:43,
back off back off back off back off...aaaaaaargh

the spoon, the curve of your breast, I wanna run the spoon over my lips andlickthespoonandnfndjkhflhdfhskl.....
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:45,

in a plastic cup, covered in bees.

but it's pollination, pollinating, pollinator. Don't ask why, it's the English language, it's not supposed to make sense...
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:44,

is in the dictionary, so that's good enough for me!
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:51,

it's not in mine...
Wot dictionary you using? I'm looking at Oxford Dictionaries Online although they are a bit thick sometimes.
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:53,
Wot dictionary you using? I'm looking at Oxford Dictionaries Online although they are a bit thick sometimes.

has come down to comparing dictionaries.
PS: Sorry about the Vimto/Ribena thing. You're probably right.
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 15:00,
PS: Sorry about the Vimto/Ribena thing. You're probably right.

it's an Americanism! :)
Which of course does not make it any less correct. Sorry - I really wasn't being mean-style pedantic (as mr thisyou up there appears to be suggesting). I was just interested.
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 15:07,
Which of course does not make it any less correct. Sorry - I really wasn't being mean-style pedantic (as mr thisyou up there appears to be suggesting). I was just interested.

and if I was, it was the worst case of pot/kettle in recent history.
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 15:15,

language is a wonderful thing ;-)
Whisper it quietly, but Tomsk is right
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:45,
Whisper it quietly, but Tomsk is right

He does that to me allllllllllll the tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime. Constantly. S'troo.
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:47,

None of that then, move along, move along then. Quietly now.
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:49,

when are you selling out to Born Sloppy then?
Onlky kidding, you are a man of visual genius. Woo, to you Sir, woo.
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:40,
Onlky kidding, you are a man of visual genius. Woo, to you Sir, woo.

As soon as it becomes a job, it, erm, becomes a job.
Obvious really :o)
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 16:47,
Obvious really :o)

you got the animated gif goodies there Slim.
As always..
*Slim - BTW mate, what is it that you do for a living ?*
If you want mail me..
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:40,
As always..
*Slim - BTW mate, what is it that you do for a living ?*
If you want mail me..

couldn't find your email addy
edit: hang on, I found a 'team' address on your site
edit2: yes, tags!
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:48,
edit: hang on, I found a 'team' address on your site
edit2: yes, tags!

Team.. If only I knew where that one still went..
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:56,

I'm a technical author and write software documentation, help, etc.; and also do a bit of UI design.
So, not much excuse to use graphics packages at work really!
( ,
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 14:58,
So, not much excuse to use graphics packages at work really!