i plan to save myself
by ruthlessly ratting out my friends and relatives when the robots take over
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Mon 24 Oct 2011, 18:13,
That's a good plan perhaps it's time to make many more friends
more ratting-out value will increase my survivability! "Hey Moggy and Mortal Wombat I'm so sorry can we be friends plz! I love your outrageously left-field art! Mmmuurhahahahahaha the fools" ;)
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Mon 24 Oct 2011, 18:18,
fuck, even the robots wouldn't want mortal wombat
just spazzed back down the /board and seen his shitness. i'd ask what's wrong with him, but i have a feeling the answer would be a lot.
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Mon 24 Oct 2011, 18:24,
I don't believe the robots would want him either
I just want to throw his lifeless body at them with superhuman strength.
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Mon 24 Oct 2011, 18:26,
oh, me too.
but i have company now, who i must thrash at mariokart double dash ;)
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Mon 24 Oct 2011, 18:30,
I'v got my campbed set up outside games'R'us already to make sure I'm first in the que..!
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Mon 24 Oct 2011, 18:13,
That's just reminded me to preorder Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Seems to be similar to WoW but for Xbox360, PC and PS3
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Mon 24 Oct 2011, 18:25,
Seems to be similar to WoW but for Xbox360, PC and PS3
Edit... I enjoyed the water margin clip you posted BTW... I could actually remember that scene :-)
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Mon 24 Oct 2011, 18:35,
Yes I'd forgotten just how good it was
and from that clip alone it's probably worth a re-watch.
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Mon 24 Oct 2011, 18:53,
The thing that puzzeled me the most was....
It actually sounded like, well spoken English people putting on terrible Chinese accents.....
Appart from the bit at 50 seconds in, where the bloke pops his head up from behind the hill, and forgets to put an accent on at all and sounds like he was educated at Oxbridge...!!
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Mon 24 Oct 2011, 19:00,
Appart from the bit at 50 seconds in, where the bloke pops his head up from behind the hill, and forgets to put an accent on at all and sounds like he was educated at Oxbridge...!!
Didn't you realise that Ancient China was first discovered in Oxbridge?
The Ming Dynasty was discovered at the Watford Gap so they all spoke like London Lorry Drivers.
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Mon 24 Oct 2011, 19:04,
I want you to hunt down Lin Chong and bring his head to me on a plate...
Along with a full English with toast and cup of tea please duck..!
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Mon 24 Oct 2011, 19:11,
I might do a b3ta water margin appresiation club badge
as long as I don't melt down the core of googles computer trying to spell check it...!!
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Mon 24 Oct 2011, 19:24,
There are a few notable differences to WoW
1. Skyrim has an ending
2. Skyrim has a story
3. Skyrim will be fun
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Mon 24 Oct 2011, 21:59,
2. Skyrim has a story
3. Skyrim will be fun