I thought about putting it in, but was thinking of those on limited bandwidth...
The invisable man Is having a long lazy soak in search,
Sun 19 Feb 2012, 21:36,
Don't give me your excuses!
This is about my mother isn't it? You are always mean about her. I only don't invite her around because you haven't decorated the dining room like you said you would; but, no, you are always doing 'overtime'. Overtime at the pub more like...
TheSundaeLunch I'm a fucking shrub, alright?,
Sun 19 Feb 2012, 21:40,
You just wait untill you make a mistake and miss an e out of something!
I'll be watching for ever apostrophy and full stop I tell you! ;-)
The invisable man Is having a long lazy soak in search,
Sun 19 Feb 2012, 21:48,
You won't
have to wait long, I'm sure! :D
TheSundaeLunch I'm a fucking shrub, alright?,
Sun 19 Feb 2012, 22:05,