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meanwhile, at the road sign factory
The lads were working overtime trying to perfect that pesky 'No motor vehicles' sign
broccoli holocaust ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:52,
archived )
ohhh b3ta is ace right now. Kudos, this is ace.
IndieSinger watch my Mentos thing - http://tinyurl.com/6au8jl ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:53,
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where did everyone come from?!
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:54,
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EDIT: Am I getting confused or aren't you the broccoli hololcaust who slagged DTF off a month or so ago? EDITEDIT: No, I AM getting confused . . .
Sir Aunty Grampa Dave the Hat - enjoying a post-meridian muncheon - Ta! Cannaoogim!? ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:53,
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pssst - sorreh!
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:00,
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haha, probably, as far as I know there is only 1 of me
Don't interpret that as slagging off DTH though, I was probably only cross because I was having a boring lunch.
broccoli holocaust ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:00,
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Hmm . . .
so I'm not confused . . . now I'm REALLY confused . . .
Sir Aunty Grampa Dave the Hat - enjoying a post-meridian muncheon - Ta! Cannaoogim!? ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:02,
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*clickety click*
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:54,
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how many clicks
gets a front page? I keep clicking but it hasn't appeared yet. Someone nudge the click guadian.
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:58,
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Keep clicking
it hasn't even made the popular page
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:59,
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someone needs to explain the rules *click *looks *click *looks again *click
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:00,
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That got it
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:01,
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Enough clicks gets it on the popular page
Then if a mod spots it and likes it they slap it on the front page
Mu Dinofiddler ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:06,
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I was wondering how many clicks got it on to popular
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:10,
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Corebowe wants to practice with real bullets now! ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:01,
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That is brill
arsechives ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:54,
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That was good, that was...
I pity the cameraman that had to take the 'loose chippings' sign
Corebowe wants to practice with real bullets now! ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:55,
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that's nothing
what about the old lady who had to put her hand up the old man's bum?
broccoli holocaust ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:56,
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Better still
How about the quayside sign?
Corebowe wants to practice with real bullets now! ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:58,
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*clicks furiously*
Dont point it at your face up the ass ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:56,
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Double *clicks*
just to be certain...
BimbleBamble ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:56,
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Pants Chasing Pants is going to make you all so beautiful on ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:57,
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the RAND corporation a.k.a. Kevin Saxe-Coburg-Gotha ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:57,
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Ha ha ha!
Great joke brilliantly executed, *click*
Baglady ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:57,
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FoldsFive ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:58,
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high praise indeed
thank you everybody, glad I wasted a few precious revision hours with this now.
broccoli holocaust ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:03,
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That is most woo. /congrats on fp!
asdfasdfasdf ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:59,
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oooooooh thass good
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 17:59,
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thats genius, always wondered how they did that. *clicks*
chanceypants wakka chakka whaaawo ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:01,
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TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:05,
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Reckless_Rik ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:01,
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Ovid! O-vidovid ohhhh viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid
/autocomplete throwing together a website for a mate for 0 money is not fun :(
Reckless_Rik ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:06,
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still doing that eh?
stick an ambulance in whenever you can
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:11,
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I`m typing a word a minute
in between swearing at the TV as that cunt David Cameron is on all the channels spouting his slimy slime
Reckless_Rik ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:44,
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Impressive, most impressive
Scumulus There's a hole in my bucket :( ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:04,
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That's woo that is!
Ghostwriter can't pick up his pencil ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:05,
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I love you.
drunkenoaf ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:07,
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Hi Cockalorum!
PopePollo defloculating the soup of the surreal ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:09,
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you can`t hi cockalorum a non-woo
fool! :)
Reckless_Rik ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:10,
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very well
PopePollo defloculating the soup of the surreal ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:12,
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urbane legend i have known the inexorable sadness of pencils ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:15,
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it's so good I called the papers on it
c_kick or, as some people call him ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 18:36,
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Whoo gosharootie, Circus.
Still, I think we've all learned something from that. Hugs!
malvino warning profile may cause death an brain damage ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 19:14,
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and yes again!
MrKane 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 19:40,
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Top notch.
I do like that
Tart Monkey ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 19:54,
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Is by far the best thing I have seen on b3ta for yonks. Mind you, I'm probably just suffering ambliance fatigue.
foop ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 21:07,
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Feckin brilliant.
n8ive Zip it, Shrimpy...you cunt! ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 21:28,
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am brill!
Romana ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 22:30,
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... is the best thing ever! Congrats
Sheep! ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 23:17,
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blummin brilliant that is
mutated monty ,
Mon 1 May 2006, 23:50,
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blimey look at that
best birthday present ever, a maiden FP and praise from all the emminent b3tans who have been keeping me entertained over the years. I feel so accepted I might even have to buy an icon. /weeps
broccoli holocaust ,
Tue 2 May 2006, 1:56,
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So thats how they're made
I knew it conga-rats-you-relations on FP
RetroUK My other sig is funny (and original) ,
Tue 2 May 2006, 0:29,
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Time for a pearoast :)
Thy Maker Has it really been that long? ,
Tue 2 May 2006, 10:06,
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I love the way the guy's using a speed camera to catch the action.
mozza ,
Tue 2 May 2006, 10:54,
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The Legendary Pink Dot survived yet another ,
Tue 2 May 2006, 13:12,
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That is skill times eight.
Naive Amoeba Bored Cig ,
Tue 2 May 2006, 13:16,
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ZX Spectrum. Wheelie. Woo
Pete Tranter's Sister ,
Tue 2 May 2006, 13:27,
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astonishingly good.
Cadavre Exquis Ms. Lully Biscuits! ,
Tue 2 May 2006, 15:08,
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That is fucking skill!
broadsword now that's fresh ,
Tue 2 May 2006, 20:00,
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poetry in motion
wormald ,
Tue 2 May 2006, 21:08,
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i love this!
caldini Have you seen my polar bear? ,
Tue 2 May 2006, 23:53,
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great stuff!
amaryllis ,
Thu 4 May 2006, 18:32,
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good stuff
simod ,
Thu 4 May 2006, 19:40,
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william_shatner ,
Thu 4 May 2006, 19:53,
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